Eugene Robinson – Dick Cheney's lies about President Obama – Excellent demolition of Dick Cheney’s shameful attack on the president in the wake of the Detroit attempted attack. Cheney wanted to use the nonsensically phrased ‘war on terror’ as a wedge to destroy the Bill of Rights and permanently undermine the US constitution, and […]
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Archives for 2009
The Regime Strikes Back; Massive Pro-Khamenei Rally in Tehran
Today’s dramatic events in Iran reminded me a little bit of the dueling demonstrations mounted by the Lebanese in spring of 2005, when pro-Syrian forces brought out nearly 1,000,000 protesters, only to be answered by crowds nearly as large mobilized by Hizbullah. In Iran on Wednesday, the regime bussed in tens of thousands of supporters, […]
Top Republican Myths about the Crotch Bomber Affair
I hear these on tv or from Reps. Pete Hoekstra and Peter King and Sen. Joe Lieberman. 1. President Obama did not speak publicly swiftly enough. In fact, Bush was silent for 9 days after the shoe bomber attack in 2001. 2. Bush would have tried Abdulmutallab as an enemy combatant. Well, he tried Richard […]
Karachi Paralyzed After Major Arson, Sectarian Violence
The bombing of a Shiite Ashura procession in Karachi, Pakistan, on Monday, which killed 40 and wounded 60– as horrific as it was– was only the beginning of the paralysis of this major port city and financial center larger than New York. In response to the bombing or encouraged by it, arsonists set fire to […]
Majority Of Tea Party Group’s Spending Went To GOP Firm That Created It | TPMMuckraker
Majority Of Tea Party Group's Spending Went To GOP Firm That Created It | TPMMuckraker So let us get this straight. Iran is capable of throwing up a genuine grassroots democratic movement. But supposed US populism is just a project of some corporation aimed at fleecing ordinary people. End/ (Not Continued)
Top Ten Middle East Crises, 2009
10. Dubai, a financial hub of the Gulf, collapsed economically, and worries were raised that Dubai World could default on billions in loans. Only the likelihood that oil-rich sister emirate, Abu Dhabi, would likely bail Dubai out at least to some extent kept there from being a panic. 9. That Iraq is still far from […]
Conflict Grows Between Pakistan’s Taliban and Shi’ites
Conflict Grows Between Pakistan's Taliban and Shi'ites – TIME Omar Waraich argues that Monday’s horrific bombing in Karachi of a Shiite mourning procession signals a deepening Taliban/Shiite struggle in Pakistan. Pakistani analysts also considered that the bombing, which killed 40 and sparked riots in the country’s largest city, may have been intended tactically to provoke […]
Wave of Arrests in Iran
The last of the demonstrators Monday morning were dispersed with tear gas in Iran’s cities, and there were no major rallies yesterday. The authorities continued to make arrests among aides to the major reformist leaders, and even among the relatives of the latter. Reformist reports said that the sister of Nobel peace prize winner Shirin […]
Bush Administration Released Al Qaeda Leaders Who Plotted Detroit Attack To Art Therapy Rehabilitation Program
Liberal Values: Bush Administration Released Al Qaeda Leaders Who Plotted Detroit Attack To Art Therapy Rehabilitation Program Liberal Values Well there isn’t any doubt that the State Department under Condi Rice and Bush gave Abdulmutallab, the Nigerian terrorist, his multiple-entry US visa. And it was probably influenced by his family’s wealth; rich people get visas […]