“Benign Autocracies” Produce Terrorism My response to the idea put forward in some circles that something they call a “benign autocracy” should be put in place by the Americans in Iraq: The “benign autocracies” of the Middle East have been the main producers of terrorism. Sadat and Mubarak’s Egypt produced al-Gamaa al-Islamiya (first World Trade […]
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Archives for 2003
Long War Gen
A Long War Gen. Rick Sanchez warned Americans Thursday that they were in for “a long war” against terrorism in Iraq. Underlining his words, a firefight that lasted more than an hour broke out between guerrillas and US troops in Khalidiya, 30 km west of Falluja, that left several troops killed and wounded, according to […]
France Long Way From Sending Troops To
France “a long way” from sending Troops to Iraq: Chiraq Likewise, on a visit to Spain French President Jacques Chirac just said, “Today we are a long way from being in a situation where France could participate militarily in Iraq.” With Iraqi opposition to Turkish and Jordanian troops (and Jordan’s unwillingness to send soldiers), the […]
India Refuses To Send Troops To Iraq
India refuses to send Troops to Iraq India is refusing to send troops to Iraq even if there is a new UN resolution. Earlier when the Americans pressed New Delhi, the Indian government had begged off on grounds that it needed a Security Council resolution authorizing such a move. Now that a UNSC resolution seems […]
Constitution Writers To Be Elected
Constitution Writers to be elected The preparatory commission on drafting an Iraqi constitution met with Grand Ayatollah Ali Sistani in Najaf, and afterwards announced that as soon as a census could be taken (to prepare voter rolls), elections would be held for delegates to a constitutional convention. This way of doing things has the disadvantage […]
Abdul Aziz Al Hakim Resigns From
Abdul Aziz al-Hakim Resigns from Interim Governing Council Abdul Aziz al-Hakim, the leader of the Supreme Council for Islamic Revolution in Iraq and a member of the Interim Governing Council, is set to suspend his membership in the IGC. He is the second member to resign, at least provisionally. Shiite cleric Muhammad Bahr al-Ulum resigned […]
American Casualties In Iraq Us Troops
American Casualties in Iraq “US troops in Iraq suffered 22 attacks in the last 24 hours, in which one soldier was killed and six wounded, US military spokesman Lt. Col. George Krivo said on Wednesday.” -Xinhuanet.
Danish Troops Attacked Danish Troops In
Danish troops attacked Danish troops in al-Qurna in south Iraq took rocket propelled grenade and machine gun fire for the third time in two weeks. US commentators who keep saying that the South is calm haven’t been following the news on the ground. (The Bulgarians in Karbala have also been repeatedly attacked). (-al-Zaman)
Protests Against Disarming Militias In
Protests against Disarming the Militias in Najaf The Marines in the holy city of Najaf had already announced that armed militiamen would be prohibited in the city after Saturday. But they suddenly announced on Wednesday that even now, gunmen in the streets would have to have official permission to carry a weapon. Muhammad Husayn al-Hakim, […]