Sistani’s Representative in Karbala Rejects Referendum on Provincial Council> ash-Sharq al-Awsat/ AFP: Shaikh Abdul Mahdi al-Karbala’i, the representative in Karbala of Grand Ayatollah Ali Sistani, rejected the suggestion by another cleric that the provincial council appointed by CPA official John Berry be submitted to a referendum. He said that an appointed council is by its […]
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Archives for 2004
Vigilanteism In Basra Scheherezade
Vigilanteism in Basra Scheherezade Faramarzi of AP reports on the Shiite militias of Basra and the way they are imposing both law and order, and a puritan style of life on the population (though sometimes they do some kidnapping or coercion of their own). The militias pose a long-term problem for Iraqi security, since they […]
What Document Looks Like Jonathan
What a Document Looks like Jonathan Schanzer, writing in the Weekly Standard, notes that I had asked Bill Safire for even a single “document” that shows that Saddam Hussein’s government cooperated with al-Qaeda before September 11. He suggests that we might substitute for such a document his interview with Abdul Rahman al-Shamari, who he says […]
6 Us Soldiers Wounded In 24 Hours Wire
6 US Soldiers wounded in 24 hours Wire services quoted by al-Jazeerah report that guerrillas wounded three US soldiers with rocket-propelled grenade fire Thursday night near Tikrit. On Friday morning, guerrillas in Tikrit lightly wounded another two US troops in a bom blast. A third soldier was seriously wounded in an attack on his convoy […]
Islamists On Igc Defeated On Islamic
Islamists on IGC Defeated on Islamic Law Provision Raghida Dergham reports in al-Hayat that the representatives on the Interim Governing Council of the Islamist tendency suffered a political defeat on Friday when the IGC abrogated Directive 137, which it had issued in late December, and which put personal status law in the jurisdiction of religious […]
Abdul Hamid Confronted Over His
Abdul Hamid Confronted over his Allegation that the Shiites are a Minority The Kuwaiti newspaper al-Qabas reports that it had a further confrontation with Muhsin Abdul Hamid, leader of the Iraqi Islamic Party and February’s president of the Interim Governing council. Al-Qabas and other news sources reported recently that Abdul Hamid maintained that Shiites constituted […]
Explosions In Baquba Baghdad Ap Reports
Explosions in Baquba, Baghdad AP reports that ‘ In Baqouba . . . an explosion occurred Thursday in the city center and witnesses said three police cars were on fire. ‘. It continues, ‘ The U.S. command said [a] fuel truck, assigned to the 1st Armored Division, was hit by a roadside bomb in the […]
Army Of Helpers Of Sunnah Major
Army of the Helpers of the Sunnah a Major Insurgent Group Al-Hayat newspaper in London says it has gotten hold of many memos and videotapes concerning Jaysh Ansar al-Sunnah and pointing to its relationship with the Kurdish radical Islamist group, Ansar al-Islam. The memos say that the Army of the Helpers of the Sunnah (AHS) […]
Cole Interviews With Chicago Public
Cole Interviews with Chicago Public Radio’s Worldview Those of you with RealAudio can listen to two interviews I did with Chicago Public Radio’s Worldview program, hosted by Jerome McDonnell. The interviews are listed under February 26. One treats the Americana in Arabic Translation Library. The other is on the issue of transitional government in Iraq. […]