Ethnic Conflict in Tal Afar? A correspondent in Europe sent me the following from the Turkish press. This very abridged story from a Turkish newspaper could be of interest. The Talafar case is VERY serious in fact, Foreign Minister Gül openly is threatening the USA to end cooperation. Guess what the opposition says: They are […]
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Archives for 2004
Open Letter To Madonna From Angela
Open Letter to Madonna from Angela Godfrey-Goldstein I got this by email from The Israeli Committee Against House Demolitions and thought I would share it here. It might sound frivolous but it is very important. PO Box 2030 Tels: +972-2-624-5560 Fax: +972-2-622-1530 E-mail: Rehov Ben-yehuda 7 +972-50-651425 Website: 91020 Jerusalem, Israel +972-66-314471 Jerusalem, […]
Us Air Strikes Kill 20 In Fallujah Us
US Air Strikes Kill 20 in Fallujah US air strikes on Fallujah on Monday killed some 20 persons. The US military maintained that it was targeting safe houses of Abu Musab al-Zarqawi and his group, Monotheism and Holy War. (Some are translating tawhid as “unity,” but in Islam what is meant by tawhid is to […]
Has Us Been Fighting Turkmen Turkish
Has the US been Fighting Turkmen? Turkish Foreign Minister Abdullah Gul revealed that he threatened the US over its treatment of Turkmen in Iraq when he talked to Secretary of State Colin Powell. The Scotsman writes, ‘ Gul said he spoke to US Secretary of State Colin Powell ”and told him that what is being […]
Bloody Sunday 110 Dead In Iraq 200
Bloody Sunday: 110 Dead in Iraq, 200 Wounded The Iraqi Guerrilla War erupted into a spectacular set of conflagrations on Sunday and over the weekend, according to Reuters’ Ibon Villalabeitia, leaving at least 110 dead and, according to AP, some 200 wounded. Baghdad At least 7 car bombs shook the Iraqi capital of Baghdad, and […]
Us Casualties In Iraq Gustafson Erik
US Casualties in Iraq: Gustafson Erik Gustafson writes: “Setting the record straight, sort of… Last week Clive Astle wrote, “Molly (Ivins) appears to have omitted counting the number killed but unidentified pending notification of kin. Total US dead is reported at 1012 as at end of August…” Clive is double counting some U.S. military deaths. […]
Fate Of Iraqs Christians Eden Naby
The Fate of Iraq’s Christians: Eden Naby Guest Editorial for Informed Comment by Eden Naby Just after celebration of the Festival of the Cross (Aida d-Sliwa) on Friday, 10 September, the village of Baghdeda, located southeast of Mosul, on the Nineveh Plains, in the Ninawa Governorate, came under mortar attack. Thus far a complete tally […]
Violence In Baqubah Basra Tal Afar Etc
Violence in Baqubah, Basra, Tal Afar, etc. The Washington Post finally gives us a description of the guerrillas fighting in the Shiite Turkmen city of Tal Afar (pop. 250,000). They are said by the US military to be “a collection of Sunni Muslim extremists, Baath Party holdovers and foreign fighters, possibly Saudis.” I don’t believe […]
Iraq Vietnam And Philippines Guest
Iraq, Vietnam and the Philippines: Guest Editorial Harold Cole of the UCLA Economics Department (no relation) has kindly permitted me to share a message of his here as a guest editorial. Eerie parallelism The anniversary of September 11 seems to be generating a bit of a reflection on where we are and how are we […]