Clashes outside Kufa; Situation Tense in Shrine Cities ash-Sharq al-Awsat: A series of explosions shook the city of Kufa on Friday, and eyewitnesses saw dozens of armed militiamen hurrying to various parts of the city. Reports spoke of clashes with the foreign troops. At least four troop transport trucks full of Mahdi Army fighters left […]
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Archives for 2004
Muqtadas Friday Sermon Marines Should
Muqtada’s Friday Sermon: Marines should Surrender Muqtada al-Sadr announced in his Friday prayers sermon at Kufa on Friday that “truce negotiations [with the American forces] are useless,” and that he will not dissolve the Mahdi Army. He called on the nations that have forces in Iraq to desert the United States “to battle by itself.” […]
Clergy Of Najaf To Mahdi Army Go Fight
Clergy of Najaf to Mahdi Army: Go fight outside the City ash-Sharq al-Awsat: The clerics of the Najaf seminaries have called upon the Army of the Mahdi to go fight the Americans outside the city if they must, so as to avoid the spilling of innocent blood. They called on the militia to pursue peaceful […]
Mortar Shells Kill 8 In Mosul Things
Mortar Shells Kill 8 in Mosul Things are so bad in Iraq, and so many people have been killed lately, that what would once have been my headline for today was barely picked up by the wire services. ash-Sharq al-Awsat says that guerrillas in Mosul accidentally launched their mortar shells into a civilian crowd, when […]
Negotiations Over Muqtada Al Sadr Al
Negotiations over Muqtada al-Sadr al-Hayat: The Iranian delegation to Najaf is continuing its attempts to calm the situation, despite the assassination in Baghdad of the Iranian cultural attache, Khalil Na`imi. The Iranian delegation left for Najaf on Thursday to meet with Grand Ayatollah Ali Sistani. It has decided not to meet with Muqtada al-Sadr after […]
Bluster And Begging Duality Of Us
Bluster and Begging: The Duality of US Foreign Policy in the Middle East The Bush administration requested Syria’s participation in “calming the situation” in Iraq. Bashar al-Asad received letters from Bush and Colin Powell concerning bilateral relations and Iraq. al-Hayat: At the same time, Gen. Myers insisted that foreign fighters continued to infiltrate from Syria […]
Salon Article on Fallujah My piece on Fallujah and its connection to the Palestine issue is online at Readers interested in this angle will also benefit from Tom Engelhardt’s “The American Legacy in Iraq at See also the always essential Josh Marshall’s Talking Points Memo for the important point that the US has […]
Lone On How To Fix It Salim Lones Op Ed
Lone on How to Fix It Salim Lone’s op-ed in the Toronto Globe and Mail gives an experienced UN hand’s view of the unfolding disaster in Iraq. He was communications director in Baghdad for Sergio Vieira de Mello before the bombing last summer. His point is an interesting one, now that so many Democratic politicians […]
Brahimi Plan Unveiled Full Text Of
Brahimi Plan unveiled The full text of the Brahimi plan is at the UN Observer. Here are the main points: ‘ 2. Let me emphasise from the outset that in this political process in Iraq, the elections scheduled to take place in January 2005 are the most important milestone. There is no substitute for the […]