Sistani Threatens Shiite Resistance if US Invades Najaf The Iranian newspaper Baztab is reporting that Grand Ayatollah Ali Sistani has sent a strongly-worded message to the Coalition forces, in which he warned them against attacking the Shiite shrine cities of Najaf and Karbala after the end of Arba’in. According to this report, in this letter […]
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Archives for 2004
More What Went Wrong Carol Giacomo
More ‘What went Wrong?’ Carol Giacomo quotes an array of policy experts on the problem with the current US strategy in Iraq: ‘ What’s really needed is a viable political process and the building of a consensus – internationally, regionally and locally – to work our way out of this mess,” said retired Army General […]
Cole On Fresh Air Ive Long Been Fan Of
Cole on Fresh Air I’ve long been a fan of Terry Gross’s NPR show, “Fresh Air.” So am happy to report that I am interviewed in Tuesday’s edition. Just a head’s up for those who asked for one.
Us Turns To Negotiations With
US Turns to Negotiations with Insurgents As Riccardi points out, the Bush Administration has abruptly ceased its cowboy rhetoric and says it is willing to consider negotiated settlements to its problems in Sunni Arab Fallujah and in the Shiite south with the militia of cleric Muqtada al-Sadr. This approach has surely been forced on the […]
Pentagon Announces Death Of 17 Us
Pentagon Announces Death of 17 US Troops in Iraq; 5 Killed Sunday Nicholas Riccardi of the LA Times (reg. req.) reports that Iraqi guerrillas killed 5 US troops on Sunday, including three in a firefight west of Baghdad and two in a helicopter that they managed to shoot down. The US military also reported 12 […]
Muqtada Aid Denies Seeking Asylum In
Muqtada Aid Denies Seeking Asylum in Iran; Demands release of Hostages The LA Times reported that on Sunday, a spokesman for Muqtada al-Sadr said, “There is no chance that the armies of occupation will reenter Najaf.” Shaykh Abdul Hadi al-Darraji, an al-Sadr aide, did a live telephone interview with Jamal Rayyan of al-Jazeerah on Sunday, […]
Did Badran Resign Because Alawi Is Out
Did Badran Resign because Alawi is Out as PM? Or in? al-Hayat: Sources close to the Interim Governing Council say that the resignation of Interior Minister Nuri al-Badran came after a number of hints he was going to resign, because of his conflicts with the Coalition Provisional Authority. He maintains that the CPA refused to […]
Virulent Racism Disregard For Civilian
Virulent Racism, Disregard for Civilian Life Mar US Military Approach: British Commander Sean Rayment of the Telegraph reports a story today that should be on the front pages of every American newspaper. He reports extremely deep dissatisifaction in the British officer corps with American military counter-insurgency tactics. The critique begins with attitudes. The officer quoted […]
Revolution In Baqubah 5 Us Soldiers
Revolution in Baqubah 5 US soldiers Killed in Baghdad and al-Anbar According to Reuters and other wire services: Baqubah A violent revolt broke out in the eastern city of Baqubah, in which guerrillas mounted assaults on government buildings and police stations. Fighting spread throughout the city, only slowing down Saturday afternoon. Baqubah looked like a […]