From on Saturday: Afghan governor says US air strikes killed 22 civilians. If only we could nuke Iran. Ron Paul says he has heard colleagues in Congress openly talk about using tactical nuclear weapons against Iran. The World Bank estimates that biofuels have caused food prices to rise 75 percent, much more than earlier […]
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Archives for 2008
Osman, Qubanji: Attack on Iran a Catastrophe for Iraq, Gulf
Patrick Cockburn reports from Baghdad that Mahmud Osman, a Kurdish MP, maintains that an attack on Iran by Israel or the US would plunge Iraq back into war. Cockburn points to two terrorist groups based in Iraq that the US Pentagon appears to be deploying against Iran. They are the Mojahedin-e Khalq Organization (MEK or […]
Your Fourth of July and My Fourth of July
Your Fourth of July is blood for oil. My Fourth of July is the pure sunbeam of peace. Yours is the imperial presidency and “so what?” to public opinion. Mine is “deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed” Yours is profiling and discrimination. Mine is “all men are endowed by their Creator […]
Quotations on Patriotism
“I do not mean to exclude altogether the idea of patriotism. I know it exists, and I know it has done much in the present contest. But I will venture to assert, that a great and lasting war can never be supported on this principle alone. It must be aided by a prospect of interest, […]
Will Afghanistan Violence hurt McCain Campaign?
Afghan guerrillas used small arms fire to down a US helicopter south of Kabul. The crew was unharmed. More US & coalition troops were killed in Afghanistan in May and June than in Iraq. Meanwhile, guerrillas used a roadside bomb to kill 5 Afghan troops in Logan, central Afghanistan. There was also a major firefight […]
Mullen Warns Against Attack on Iran; Iraq arrests Governor of Maysan
Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Admiral Michael Mullen appeared to warn Israel on Wednesday against an attack on Iran. He said at news conference, “Opening up a third front right now would be extremely stressful on us . . . This is a very unstable part of the world, and I don’t need […]
Bulldozer Attack in West Jerusalem
A Palestinian bulldozer operator rammed his vehicle into a bus in West Jerusalem, killing 3 and wounding 44. Aljazeera International reports: Sometimes the British tabloid press, precisely because it is sensationalistic, gives a vivid sense of the panic and mayhem in this deplorable act of violence. Acts of violence such as this one are typically […]
Pakistan Claims Capture of 50 Khyber Militants
Aljazeera on Pakistan’s military offensive in the Khyber area. Puritanism and women’s rights are issues as well as whether government or local warlords are in control. Women’s rights are even an economic issue for commerce in the city of Peshawar, since village women are not being allowed to travel into the city to shop. Radio […]
Sadrists Plan Attacks on US Troops; Security Guards will Not have Immunity; 24 Dead, 60 Wounded
The Sadr Movement is forging ahead with plans to create an elite special operations corps within the Mahdi Army, with the mission of hitting US troops. Iraq has convinced the United States to drop the demand that private American security guards operating in Iraq be granted immunity from prosecution for wrongdoing in Iraqi courts. Such […]