I have been saying for some time that the US military presence in Iraq is highly unlikely to completely end at the close of 2011. I think the important thing is that the combat troops will be out and that the tiny number who remain will mainly be trainers of Iraqi troops; there will likely […]
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Archives for 2009
Al-Maliki’s Goals on his American Visit
What did Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki want from his visit to New York City and Washington, DC? Al-Zaman [The Times of Baghdad] makes some suggestions in this regard. First, he wants the United Nations Security Council to remove Iraq altogether from Chapter 7 status under the UN Charter. After the Gulf War, the UNSC put […]
US Has Lost Moral High Ground on Treatment of Prisoners
The US military has, understandably and correctly, condemned the coerced video of a US soldier taken hostage by Taliban in Afghanistan. But I fear that the argument that the public humiliation of prisoners is against international law won’t take the US very far after 8 years of Bush-Cheney. After the evidence surfaced that the US […]
Clashes turn Violent, Many Arrests; Mousavi Defiant; VP Appointment reveals Split among Hard Liners
There are reports that hundreds or even thousands of protesters hit the streets late Tuesday in Tehran. There are reports of violent clashes with security forces, and many arrests are said to have been made, including of opposition leader Mir Hossein Mousavi’s brother-in-law. Still, Mousavi remains defiant. WaPo quotes him saying, “”You are facing something […]
The Guantanamo Dilemma: Bush Mess Continues to Damage US
The problems facing the Obama administration in closing Guantanamo Bay appear mainly to center on finding a place for the prisoners to go. Very few of them are ever going to be tried. There is a handful of the truly murderous among them– the big al-Qaeda leaders caught mainly by Pakistan security forces, and those […]
Khamenei Warns Elite against Public Turmoil
Borzou Daragahi of the LAT explains that Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei warned Monday that the opposition must cease its campaign of civil disobedience. AP argues that the struggle in Iran has moved to a new stage, and is no longer just about street protests. It is a now a struggle for power within the country’s […]
A Brief History of the Sunni Jundu’llah Terrorist Group in Iran
The USG Open Source Center translates a Salafi history of the Sunni, Baluch terrorist group Jundu’llah in Iran, which is accused of carrying out anti-Shiite bombings. The Iranian regime maintains that the United States is behind Jundu’llah’s terrorist activities, as a means of destabilizing or even partitioning Iran. Jihadist Forum Member Posts Profile of Iranian […]
Peaceful Pilgrimage Day a big win for Obama
President Barack Obama’s withdrawal strategy for Iraq got a big bump this weekend, when the Iraqi military and police presided over massive gatherings of pilgrims from the provinces in the capital, and pulled it off with no bombings. Obama could not plausibly withdraw from Iraq unless Iraqi security forces could keep a minimum of social […]
Sadr Calls for Popular Demonstrations over Detainees, Terrorism, Electricity
The USG Open Source Center translates a communique of Shiite leader Muqtada al-Sadr of Iraq, calling for continuous demonstrations. You have to wonder whether he is inspired by the big demonstrations in Iran. : Text of report by Higher Media Commission of Martyr Sayyid Al-Sadr’s Office on 17 July [Statement by Al-Sadr Trend Leader Muqtada […]