Former president Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani will deliver a Friday prayers address in Tehran this week. A behind the scenes backer of the opposition candidate for president Mir Hosain Mousavi, Rafsanjani has kept a low profile since his candidate was declared a loser in the June 12 election. Mousavi and the other reformist candidate, Mehdi Karroubi, […]
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Archives for 2009
Truth Commission Needed to Examine Cheney, Assassination Squads, Cover-Ups
It turns out that the secret CIA program that Leon Panetta cancelled, and which former VP Richard Bruce Cheney ordered hidden from Congress, was in fact an assassination squad focusing on al-Qaeda figures. The problem with assassination teams is that they are extra-judicial. They are killing people who have not been proven to have done […]
Lyons: Spectre of Khomeini as religious radical still stalks Iran
Jonathan Lyons writes in a guest editorial for IC: The Western world knows the late Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini as a political radical, the militant revolutionary who overthrew the U.S.-backed shah in 1979 and established an Islamic state shortly thereafter. But it is as a religious radical that Khomeini should go down in history, for he […]
10 Killed in Bombings, Dozens Wounded; Al-Maliki Rejects Reconciliation with Baathists; Sadrists Block British in South
Update: Guerrillas set off bombs outside churches in Baghdad on Sunday, wounding 7 persons. Attacks on Christians are a hallmark of the extremist Salafi groups in Sunnism. About half of Iraq’s indigenous Christian community has fled the country since 2003, and there now may be as few as 400,000 left. Late reports put the number […]
Bomb Kills 25 in Afghanistan; 15 British, 2 US Troops killed in past Week; Blood-Drenched Warlords Return to Gov’t with Impunity
I can tell by various web metrics that you guys are not interested in the Afghanistan story. You should be and I am going to parse it today anyway. It is one of the advantages of being non-profit that I write what I want and you can read it or not as you like. But […]
OSC: Kabul Yet to be Rebuilt, Lack of Electricity, Potable Water Hinder Development
The USG Open Source Center translates or paraphrases articles in the Afghan press during June on that country’s economy. I take away the impression that very little has been done to improve Kabul, that 45 percent of the capital’s residents lack electricity, and that 99 percent of people in Nuristan are below the poverty line. […]
Nationwide Protests Met with Main Force; Regime Arrests Head of Refineries for Fear of Oil Workers Strike; Ebadi Aide Arrested
AP reports the course of Thursday’s protests in Tehran. Some 2,000 protesters initially gathered in several spots in the capital, later growing some 3,000 strong. Outside Tehran University, an approaching crowd grew 1,000 strong. Police prevented them from entering the campus, AP says, but then allowed them to gather and chant ‘Death to the dictator!’ […]
Demonstrators Tear-Gassed, Fired On
Hundreds of protesters braved tear gas and even some live fire to march toward Tehran University on Thursday, commemorating a crushed student protest movement of 1999 a s well as protesting the allegedly stolen elections of June 12. Police intervened to disperse them. A new and significant feature of this demonstration was that simultaneous rallies […]
Thursday Protests Called in Iran, State Threatens Crackdown
The opposition in Iran has called for further public nationwide demonstrations on Monday, urging protesters to use the techniques of nonviolent noncooperation. Those who are afraid to risk beatings in the streets at the hands of state security organizations are urged to drive around and honk their horns. Thursday commemorates the anniversary of 1999 student […]