There is a delightful custom in Barcelona. On April 23, St. George’s Day, men give their girlfriends or wives a rose. And the women give their male beloved a book. The gift of the book is said to have been initiated in 1926 as a commemoration of Cervantes, the author of Don Quixote The rose […]
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Archives for 2009
Cheney, Rice, Ashcroft, Gonzales Signed off on Torture
McClatchy reports that torture was reauthorized in spring of 2003 by four Bush administration officials: Dick Cheney, Condi Rice, John Ashcroft and Alberto Gonzales. It has already been revealed by McClatchy that the reason for the reaffirmation to the CIA to go on intensively waterboarding and otherwise torturing Abu Zubayda and Khalid Sheikh Muhammad was […]
At Least 78 Killed in Iraq Bombings; AP: At Least 110,000 Dead in Violence
Brian Murphy of AP reports that bombings in Iraq killed 78 persons on Thursday A female suicide bomber in the upscale Shiite neighborhood of Karrada in Baghdad struck a crowd that had gathered to receive Red Crescent aid, killing 31, including 8 police officers, and wounding 50. To the northeast, near Muqdadiya, a suicide bomber […]
MSNBC sent me this by email. I couldn’t find it on the web, so I’m reprinting here- JRIC REVISED TRANSCRIPT: LIZ CHENEY DEFENDS HER FATHER ON MSNBC NEW YORK – April 23, 2009 – Liz Cheney, former deputy assistant secretary of state during the Bush administration and the daughter of the former vice president, Dick […]
Pelosi was Briefed on Harman’s Wire Tap
Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi says she was briefed several years ago that Rep. Jane Harman (D-CA) had shown up in a wiretap. Pelosi denies that she was pressured by Israeli-American billionaire Haim Saban to appoint Harman chair of the House Intelligence Committee. But then at the end of the interview, Pelosi says that […]
Cheney, Rumsfeld Pressured for Torture to Justify Iraq War; 5 Killed in Iraq Mosque Bombing
Jonathan S. Landay at McClatchy has discovered the real reason that Abu Zubaydah and Khalid Sheikh Muhammad were tortured dozens of times in the run-up to the Iraq War. It was because Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld were trying to get them to say that Saddam Hussein had operational links with al-Qaeda, so as to […]
Harman Admits She Talked to American; Saban said Involved
On being interviewed by Robert Siegel of National Public Radio on Tuesday, Rep. Jane Harman kept denying she knew which conversations had been referred to by the Congressional Quarterly report, even seemed to question the existence of the conversations. But then Siegel pressed her and she suddenly remembered something about the conversation: ‘ MR. SIEGEL: […]
Harman Scandal: All about War on Iran
Jeff Stein of reported on Sunday evening that the National Security Agency had picked up a telephone conversation by Representative Jane Harman (D-CA) with a suspected spy for Israel. It is alleged that in the conversation, the spy urged Harman to intervene to stop the prosecution for espionage of Steven Rosen and Keith Weissman, […]
Cunningham: "The Forgotten Meaning of Tiananmen"
Philip J Cunningham writes in a guest op-ed for IC: “Tiananmen” is a taboo topic in China. But even in places where it is remembered and commemorated, the Beijing student movement of 1989 is best known for its bloody ending on June 4, a tragic turning point of unquestioned significance, but one which tends to […]