Pakistani security forces quickly restored order Monday to the police academy near Lahore that was attacked on Sunday by militants. The Taliban Movement of Pakistan, led by Baitullah Mahsud, is being blamed for the police academy attack. The violence in the Federally Administered Tribal Areas spills out onto Punjab sometimes. End/ (Not Continued)
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Archives for 2009
El Mundo: New Governor of Badghis Controversial
The USG Open Source Center translates an article from the Spanish newspaper El Mundo profiling Delbar Jan Arman, a former member of the Hizb-i Islami of Gulbadin Hikmatyar who fought the Soviets, and whose four-year tenure as governor of Zabul province in the Pashtun south was controversial because of charges of corruption and repression of […]
Fadl Rebellion against Government is Put Down
It seems fairly clear from McClatchy’s account that the slummy Sunni Arab district of al-Fadl in Baghdad went into rebellion against the government of Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki on Saturday and Sunday, after the arrest of Adil al-Mashhadani. The latter was the leader of the Awakening Council or Sons of Iraq paramilitary that has been […]
Two Major Attacks on Pakistani Police; Obama Focuses on Al-Qaeda
Ten gunmen attacked a police training facility near Lahore on Sunday, killing 20 and wounding 150. They deployed 11 bombs and machine gun fire. Two the attackers were killed in a counter-attack. The police facility is near Wagah, the border crossing into India. Note that this site is very, very distant from the tribal regions […]
Cole in Salon: Obama’s Domino Theory
My column in is out, “Obama’s domino theory,” in which I worry that “The president sounds like he’s channeling Cheney or McCain — or a Cold War hawk afraid of international communism — when he talks about the war in Afghanistan.” Excerpt: ‘[Obama’s] latter-day domino theory of al-Qaida takeovers in South Asia is just […]
Cole interview at Washington Note
Video of my conversation with Steve Clemons about my new book, Engaging the Muslim World, is up at the Washington Note website. Clemons is a canny observer of US foreign policy and knows the capital’s movers and shakers, so it was a special pleasure to think together with him about where US relations with the […]
Jang on Baluchistan’s Sense of Deprivation
The USG Open Source Center translates an editorial on Baluchistan from the Urdu newspaper “Jang.” There is now talk that the Obama administration will extend its Predator drone strikes into the Pakistani province of Baluchistan. On Saturday, “Jung” published among the more informed and sensible pieces on Baluchistan I have seen. The Baluch are only […]
Gun Battle with Sunni Arabs in Downtown Baghdad
The Shiite government of Iraq arrests Adil Mashhadani, an Awakening Council or Sons of Iraq leader who had turned against the radical Salafi fundamentalists and took a salary from the US to fight them. Then a major gunfight breaks out between the government and armed Sunnis in the Fadil district of Baghdad. The Nuri al-Maliki […]
World Reactions to Obama Plan for Afghanistan
NATO and Afghan troops raided a bomb-making cell of insurgents in the southern Pushtun province of Helmand, killing 19 guerrillas, it was announced on Saturday. Afghanistan president Hamid Karzai praised President Obama’s plan for Afghanistan on Saturday, and was especially happy about two elements– going after militants hiding out in neighboring Pakistan, and reaching out […]