David Broder is a respected political analyst. I once had breakfast with him and I like him. I often think his columns are on the mark. So I am sure he by now regrets his piece on Saturday in the Washington Post on how Obama can get the country out of the economic doldrums. Broder […]
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Archives for 2010
Ted Nugent vs. Jon Stewart: Fumigating the Democrat Rats vs. Can’t we all Get Along?
There were lots of political rallies on Saturday, not just the big one on the Mall in Washington, D.C. The Rally to Restore Sanity / Hate of Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert projected little in the way of politics from the stage, but did make a plea that people stop demonizing their political rivals and […]
Saudi Arabia Saves Chicago Synagogue from al-Qaeda Bomb Plot
CNN reports that Saudi intelligence was the source of the information on the tracking numbers of two bomb packets sent by UPS and Fedex from Yemen by a single individual. The United States has thanked Saudi Arabia for the crucial intelligence tip. The packages were tracked down in Dubai, the United Arab Emirates, and at […]
Ballot Fraud, Mafia Rule making Afghans Pessimistic: Chayes
I heard Sarah Chayes at the Michigan Theater on Thursday afternoon, speaking on Afghanistan. She is a long time expatriate in Qandahar, where she arrived late in 2001 as a reporter. She has gone on to be an entrepreneur of the Peace Corps kind, and a consultant to the ISAF forces…. …[Text removed at speaker’s […]
American Noir: Arizona anti-Immigrant Law penned by Private Prison Industry, says NPR
NPR reports that Arizona’s fascist immigration law was cooked up and in large part written by the private prison industry in the state, which saw dollar signs every time they glimpsed a Latina maid or Latino garage mechanic whose papers might not be in order. I hope Latino voters keep in mind that the Republican […]
Mission Impossible: Iraq
Mission Impossible: Government Formation Producer and screenwriter: The United States Starring: Nuri al-Maliki, Iyad Allawi, Ammar al-Hakim, Salih al-Mutlak, Muqtada al-Sadr, Tariq al-Hashimi Sound and Visual Effects: Iran, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Jordan (Someone sent me this by email, so I don’t know who the artist is and would be glad to add credits if informed […]
Scary Tea Party Compilation
You can’t make this stuff up. Vote Sanity suggests that however angry you might be about the current situation, it is important that you vote for sanity. They give some examples of the alternative. More at Ranker.com— Top 13 Craziest Midterm Election Moments. And for the Muslim-Hating Industrial Complex, see the Tenneseean.
Obama fails to Galvanize the Youth on Daily Show
President Obama came on Jon Stewart’s Daily show on Wednesday. This was the president’s chance to rally the youth, who typically don’t vote in midterms. Obama defended his legislative record in wonky terms. But he did not have good comebacks to Stewart’s critiques from the left. Obama’s hair should have been on fire. He should […]
Israeli extremists Provoke Clashes in Umm al-Fahm
The extremist “Our Land of Israel” group that opposes any negotiations with Arabs or relinquishing of conquered territory staged a provocative march Wednesday in Umm al-Fahm, the second largest Palestinian-Israeli city in Israel. Palestinian-Israeli young people demonstrated by throwing stones, and Israel police responded with force, deploying stun grenades and bAton charges. The ensuing clashes […]