My column is out in Truthdig, entitled, “Mitt Romney’s Big Bad Ideas for the Middle East”. Excerpt: “The Arab revolutions of 2011 have already removed three dictators and forced governments across the region to abolish draconian states of emergency. Tunisia has had free and fair parliamentary elections, and Egypt’s are scheduled to begin in late […]
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Archives for 2011
UNESCO Palestine Vote Isolates US Further
The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization recognized Palestine as a full member on Monday setting off a crisis between the United States and the United Nations that seems likely to further isolate Washington in the world and reduce its influence. The UNESCO vote could start an avalanche of such acceptances among various UN […]
Mahoney: New Leadership in Kyrgyzstan Fateful for US Bases in Central Asia
Jon Mahoney writes in a guest column for Informed Comment Many readers of Informed Comment will be interested in the outcome of the presidential elections in Kyrgyzstan held on October 30th. With 99% of votes counted, AP and other news sources are reporting that Alzambek Atambaev received 63% of of the votes, well above the […]
Syria Promises Response to Arab League Plan, Threatens ‘Volcano’ if Attacked
Syria said it would reply Monday to the proposal of the Arab League for ending the violence in that country. Aljazera has video. On Sunday, an interview appeared in the Telegraph with President Bashar al-Assad of Syria. He said, “Syria is the hub now in this region . . . It is the fault line, […]
Ganann: Police raids and violence against activists are Un-American
Gerald Ganann writes in a guest column for Informed Comment I opened my local newspaper one morning recently to find that the Occupy movement had made it all the way to page two, albeit as a result of excessive police violence against the activists in Oakland and Atlanta (police excesses in New York, Boston, etc. […]
Kabul Bombing of US Bus Leaves 13 Dead
The Taliban claimed credit for a bombing of a bus in Kabul, which killed 13 US security personnel (apparently 5 US troops and 8 security contractors). Three innocent bystanders, Afghans and a policemen, were also killed. Military officers focused on the big picture hate stories like this one, because, they say, ‘if it bleeds, it […]
Why a No-Fly Zone won’t Work in Syria
Syrian troops fired into peaceful demonstrations in Hama and Homs on Friday. Repression of protests yesterday is estimated to have cost 40 lives. The BBC reports that some demonstrators are calling for a “no-fly zone” imposed by the international community on Syria. (The BBC video shows a sign demanding a hazr jawwi or aerial curfew.) […]
Justin Bieber on Sen. Klobuchar’s Criminalization of the Internet: She should be put away in Cuffs
Justin Bieber went off on Sen. Amy Klobuchar (D-MN) on Friday, slamming her proposed legislation imposing criminal penalties for copyright violations on the internet and saying that she should go to prison. He said, “Whoever she is, she needs to know that I’m saying she needs to be locked up, put away in cuffs.” He […]
Political Pluralism breaks out in Tunisia
Tunisia’s election outcome gives 41% to the Muslim fundamentalist party Al-Nahda. One of the other two winners is the Rally for the Republic– of long-time political exile Moncef al-Marzouqi. Then the third major party is al-Takattul or the Democratic Forum for Labor and Freedoms, headed by Mustapha Ben Jaafar. The latter two mentioned are secular, […]