Yousaf Butt and Ferenc Dalnoki-Veress write at The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists: This week the Associated Press reported that unnamed officials “from a country critical of Iran’s nuclear program” leaked an illustration to demonstrate that “Iranian scientists have run computer simulations for a nuclear weapon that would produce more than triple the explosive force […]
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Archives for 2012
Machowski: We’re already at War with Iran, though Ayatollahs have not decided to Weaponize Nukes (Video)
Matthew Machowski, current Visiting Research Fellow at the School of Physics and Astronomy, Queen Mary, University of London and an experienced Middle East analyst gives the best talk on Iran’s nuclear enrichment program that I’ve yet heard. His conclusion: There is no good evidence that Iran has a “structured” nuclear weapons program as opposed to […]
Obama’s Lawless Drones have caused Yemen al-Qaeda to Triple (Young Turks)
Cenk Uygur on the scandal of the Obama administration’s admission that it had no clear criteria for drone strikes. According to the NYT, the Obama team scrambled to come up with formal procedures lest they bequeath an out-of-control program to the Republicans if Romney were to win. What I don’t understand is why the Obama […]
Egypt Polarized as 200,000 Tahrir demonstrators and Crowds in other Cities protest Morsi’s “Temporary Dictatorship”
On Wednesday morning, in the wake of a huge demonstration downtown Cairo, the crowds assembled in Tahrir Square faced tear gas barrages whenever they moved out of the center of the square. Some 36 persons were wounded in Port Said in clashes Wednesday between anti-government forces and the Muslim Brotherhood. The fight began when three […]
Tea Party Congress Biggest Obstacle to the Electric Car (Granholm)
Jennifer Granholm’s War Room guests discuss the roadblocks in the way of a major new, job-creating industry in the US, the electric vehicle. The Tea Party Congress almost closed down the government to block funding for retooling auto plants. Granholm goes on to make a typically impassioned appeal for government support for EV manufacturing as […]
Syria Charged Turkey with “Air Piracy,” New Documents Say (Schoofs and Larson)
Mark Schoofs and Jeff Larson write at ProPublica: Documents posted online Monday by hackers associated with the online group Anonymous appear to give new details on a Syrian passenger flight from Moscow to Damascus that Turkish fighter jets forced to land last month. The incident sparked a diplomatic row between the two neighbors that have […]
Gaza in Rubble, and Slim hopes for Peace (Abdel Kouddous)
Sharif Abdel Kouddous on Gaza’s “Severe Damage” and Why Truce Won’t Stop the Violence of Occupation at Amy Goodman’s “Democracy Now!” The blurb from the show: Israel’s assault on the Gaza Strip ended in a ceasefire last week with the final toll standing at around 170 Palestinians killed, and more than 700 wounded. Meanwhile in […]
Tom Ricks finally Tells Fox News (“GOP TV”) off on the Phony Benghazi “Issue”
Pulitzer Prize-winning war journalist Tom Ricks was brought on Fox Cable News to discussion Susan Rice and the so-called Benghazi affair. His retort that Fox has been functioning as ‘a wing of the Republican Party,’ which obviously caused the interview to be hastily ended should not obscure what else he said. Ricks’s main points were […]
Let the Palestinians have their “Kaf-Tet Be’November” (Sternfeld)
Lior Sternfeld writes in a guest column for Informed Comment: On November 29, 1947 the UN general assembly granted the Zionist movement one of its most prominent diplomatic achievements, when it approved the Palestine Partition Plan. The non-binding resolution, never voted on by the UN Security Council, proposed dividing the land of the British mandate […]