My column is out in Truthdig: “A Rebuke to the American-Israeli Economic War on Iran” Excerpt: “In his acceptance speech in Charlotte, N.C., President Barack Obama said, “The Iranian government must face a world that stays united against its nuclear ambitions.” It wasn’t much noted in the Western press, but in fact the recent Non-Aligned […]
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Archives for 2012
CIA Drone Strikes on Pakistan: Infographic (Leo)
Sarah Leo writes at The Bureau of Investigative Journalism The Bureau has been recording every reported CIA drone strike in Pakistan. The result is our extensive database which details every known attack and the numbers killed in a covert war that has been bitterly fought since 2004. Our detailed analysis has found that 344 strikes […]
Omar Khayyam (205) “when the waitress pours the Shiraz wine”
When you next hold a party, my dear friends, rejoicing in how stylish you all are; and when the waitress pours the Shiraz wine, remember poor me in your evening prayers! Translated by Juan Cole from Omar Khayyam’s Rubaiyat, [pdf] Whinfield 205
A Tale of Two Insurrections: Syria, Iraq, and American Security
Both Iraq and Syria saw massive violence on Sunday. But there is a key difference between the two, and therein lies a cautionary tale for Syria. In Iraq, guerrillas of the so-called “Islamic State of Iraq,” an al-Qaeda affiliate, set off car bombs in almost every single important town and city in the country, leaving […]
Omar Khayyam (307) “clerics drink the people’s blood”
I am busier than you are, cleric of the faith! And, despite my drunkenness, I’m soberer than you. I drink the blood of the vine, while you drink that of people. Be fair, which one of us is more bloodthirsty? Translated by Juan Cole from Omar Khayyam’s Rubaiyat, [pdf] Whinfield 307
Dear Mitt: *You* Don’t Get to Say That
Dear Mitt Romney: Your so-called Medicare reform is just a way of shifting health expenses from millionaires (whose taxes you want to lower) to middle class and working people (with whom you want to stick the bill). A 48-year-old today, who starts getting Medicare in 2030, would have to pay an extra $124,600 under your […]
Omar Khayyam (233) “The sun has lassoed rooftops with its rays”
The sun has lassoed rooftops with its rays, and the king has splashed the light of day into my glass. Have some wine, for passionate love called out at dawn, saying ‘drink up’ every single day. Translated by Juan Cole from Omar Khayyam’s Rubaiyat, [pdf] Whinfield 233
NASA Explains how We Caused the Hottest Decade and are generally screwing ourselves over (Video)
NASA’s 5-minute video explains why the last decade has been the hottest ever (we did it) and what climate change means for our hot, thirsty future. It is entitled “Piecing together the Puzzle” and is narrated in a slow, calm voice. But it should be entitled “Run for the Hills!” and should have been narrated […]
Libyans say CIA Tortured Them (Ross)
Alice Ross writes at the Bureau of Investigative Journalism President Bush and his CIA director Michael Hayden have each claimed that the US has in the past only used the controversial interrogation technique of waterboarding on three prisoners. This number, however, is being called into question by a Libyan dissident who has contradicted these claims […]