Bill Moyers interviews media critic Marty Kaplan: “Marty Kaplan on Why the Media Ignores Climate Change Media scholar Marty Kaplan sits with Bill Moyers to discuss how and why major news media, including Fox News and CNN, choose to ignore critical news and information about climate change — leaving comedy shows like The Daily Show […]
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Archives for 2013
Egyptian PM Biblawi: Egypt had Left the “Arab Group” to Join the “Islamic Group”
The USG Open Source Center translates an interview with new interim appointed prime minister of Egypt, Hazem Biblawi, in the Pan-Arab daily, al-Sharq al-Awsat. I have excerpted some of it below: “Interview with Egyptian Prime Minister Dr Hazim al-Biblawi, by Abd-al-Sattar Hatitiah, from Cairo: “New Egyptian Prime Minister in an Interview with Al-Sharq Al-Awsat: Our […]
UK’s Channel 4 Schools US Media on How to cover NSA, Snowden
This report by Channel 4 News in the UK, covering Edward Snowden’s application for asylum in the Russian Federation and his revelations of collaboration between Microsoft and the National Security Agency struck me as everything that US “news” coverage is not. The reporters don’t just parrot the Washington line. They point out that the transit […]
A time-lapse video map of 2,053 nuclear explosions from 1945 through 1998 (Hashimoto)
Created by Japanese Artist Isao Hashimoto: A time-lapse video map of 2,053 nuclear explosions from 1945 through 1998. Starts off a little slow, but keep watching and you’ll be mesmerized. From the YouTube posting: “Japanese artist Isao Hashimoto has created a beautiful, undeniably scary time-lapse map of the 2053 nuclear explosions which have taken place […]
Malala Yousafzai Pleads at UN for Universal Free Schooling for Girls and Boys
“In her first speech since the Taliban in Pakistan tried to kill her for advocating education for girls, Malala Yousafzai celebrated her 16th birthday on Friday at the United Nations, appealing for compulsory free schooling for all children” [including for girls!] Channel 4 News has video
Murderers where the Victim was White are Far more Likely to be Punished in US (Graph)
In the US, as Amnesty International points out: Percentage of murder victims annually that are African-American: 50% Percentage of executions for murder annually where the victim was white: 77%
Egypt: Rebellion Movement Pressures President, PM to Pare Claimed Powers
As Egypt braced for dueling huge demonstrations on Friday, a spokesman for the Rebellion or Tamarrud Movement, Hasan Shahin, said Thursday that the campaign expects the appointed interim president, Adly Mansour, to issue a new set of constitutional guidelines on the transitional government. Those declared a couple of days ago, they said, give too much […]
Remembering Syria: Homs ‘Ghost Town’ Under heavy Regime Bombardment
In winter of 2012, the world was mesmerized and horrified as the Syrian Baath regime drew up artillery pieces and its tanks and fired on non-combatant civilian districts. Now, non-combatantants are under artillery barrages, and it seems as though the world is paying no attention. In Homs, according to the official newspaper al-Watan, there was […]
In Chilling Ruling, Chevron is Granted Access to Amazon Activists’ Private Emails
"Sweeping" subpoena violates rights of those who spoke out against oil giant's devastating actions in Ecuador – Lauren McCauley writes at Commondreams “Following their guilty sentence for the dumping of 18.5bn gallons of toxic waste in the Ecuadorian Amazon, Chevron is amassing the personal information of the environmentalists and attorneys who fought against them in […]