My talk at the Jerusalem Fund (the 2013 Hisham B. Sharabi Memorial Lecture with Dr. Juan Cole) The Jerusalem Fund & Palestine Center: Hisham B. Sharabi Memorial Lecture with Dr. Juan Cole This is the transcript The Palestine Center Washington, DC Dr. Juan Cole: Well thank you very much Yousef for that warm introduction. Thank […]
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Archives for 2013
PBS, Self-Censorship and the Koch Big Oil Empire (Democracy Now!)
Following up on a hard-hitting article by the New Yorker’s Jane Mayer, Democracy Now! asks if PBS self-censored to avoid offending a major donor, the oil magnates the Koch brothers:
Syria needs a dozen S-300 batteries to protect itself – Russian general; Kerry Denounces Plan
Secretary of State John Kerry on Friday deplored the Russian plan to ship S-300 anti-aircraft systems to Syria, saying that it will not lead to peace. The batteries would constrain Israel from bombarding targets in Syria and so would be a game-changer for Israeli security, and they would likely put paid to any talk of […]
Top Ten Green Energy Good News Stories, 6/1/13
1. Scotland Goes Ahead With World’s Largest Wave Energy Project. “At 40 megawatts (MW), it will provide energy to nearly 30,000 homes” once the requisite cable is laid, by 2017. 2. Gujarat’s wind power capacity has grown to be the highest in India over the past 4 years. “Installed wind power generation capacities in the […]
Taksim Square Protests in Turkey Spread to other Cities, Police accused of Brutality
Protests at Taksim Square in Istanbul that began by opposing the privatization of a park (one of the last spots of green in that part of the city) took on a different life when they were met with a disproportionate response by police. The authorities used water canon and fired tear gas at young people […]
Falsely Accused Pot Mom Released in Mexico; Case Argues for Decriminalization
The release of Yanira Maldonado from a Mexican jail after an apparent attempt to frame her for marijuana trafficking underlines the need to end the disastrous “war on drugs” and to legalize marijuana. Maldonado only escaped a very unpleasant fate because she happened to be exonerated by a surveillance video showing her boarding a bus […]
A German Guru and his Solar Park for the Brahma Kumari Community in Rajasthan
The Brahma Kumari spiritual community in Mt. Abu, Rajasthan, seeks to live a life in harmony with nature. Their solution to the need for power for residents and the 20,000 pilgrims a year? A solar farm being built with backing from the Indian and German governments. Germany is a leader in solar energy and is […]
Egyptian-Ethiopian Conflict Spikes as Addis Ababa dams Blue Nile
The Ethiopian government’s unilateral and high-handed decision to build an enormous dam on the Blue Nile has thrown Egypt into a state of high anxiety. Egyptians already suffer from too little water (700 cubic meters/ yr vs. about 1,000 cubic meters average in rest of world). Water shortages were among the impetuses to rural populations […]
McCain’s Photo Op raises Questions about Arming Syrian Rebels
Lauren Williams of The Daily Star (Beirut) reported that when Sen. John McCain made a visit to rebel-held northern Syria on Monday, one of his photo ops was with a man implicated in the kidnapping of 11 Lebanese Shiite religious pilgrims, 9 of whom are still being held. The report provoked controversy because it undermined […]