1. World’s Largest Wind Farm The London Array offshore wind farm has just gone live, generating 630 MW of electricity in the first phase. An expansion will allow it, two years hence to add another 200 megawatts. Here is a video report. 2. Libya Solar Libya has announced that it plans to get a fifth […]
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Archives for 2013
“Losing my Religion” in Tehran (Music Video)
Iranian mashup of R.E.M’s 1991 hit, “Losing my Religion”, set in Tehran. REM LOSING MY RELIGION at Tehran from Hamed Zarepoor on Vimeo. h/t reddit.com
Jordan, Overwhelmed by Syrian Refugees, Opens a New Camp
Jordan has received about 600,000 Syrian refugees from the civil war raging in the latter country. It has now been constrained to open a second refugee camp at Marajid al-Fuhud, paid for by the United Arab Emirates and run by the Red Crescent (the Middle Eastern version of Red Cross). Aljazeera English reports on Jordan’s […]
Iran’s Presidential Election Heats up as Reformist Rowhani Enters Race (Jahanpour)
Farhang Jahanpour writes in a guest column for Informed Comment The next crucial round of Iranian presidential elections will be held on 14 June 2013. It has just been officially reported that Hassan Rowhani has declared his candidacy for the election. Rowhani is an influential reformist politician and cleric. He was the chief Iranian nuclear […]
Israel’s ‘Water-Apartheid’ in the Occupied Palestinian West Bank (McCauley)
Lauren McCauley writes at Common Dreams A new report on Israel’s water grab in the occupied West Bank links the widespread deprivation of Palestinian water rights to Israel’s settlement expansion strategy, saying both demonstrate “a clear testament to its colonial and apartheid motives.” Published Monday by the Ramallah-based human rights organization Al-Haq, “Water for One […]
CNN, John Kerry falsely try to tie Iran to North Korea Nuclear Crisis
It was only a matter of time before the US mainstream media struck back against Kim Jong Un’s diversion of Washington’s attention from Iran to North Korea. The war the US hawks want is in the Middle East, where the oil is. On Wednesday, CNN ran a piece that had the effect of linking Iran’s […]
Earthquake Near Bushehr Nuclear Plants in Iran Kills 37
On Tuesday, a 6.1 magnitude earthquake hit Kaki, 80 km from Bushehr, the site of Iran’s nuclear power generators, which are due to go online in May. The Iranian government and the Russian contractor that built the plants both said that the nuclear plants were unaffected. Aljazeera English reports: Iran is an active seismic zone, […]
Working America’s 40-year Decline (Garson)
Barbara Garson writes at Tomdispatch.com If you had to date the Great Recession, you might say it started in September 2008 when Lehman Brothers vaporized over a weekend and a massive mortgage-based Ponzi scheme began to go down. By 2008, however, the majority of American workers had already endured a 40-year decline in wages, security, […]
Syrian Economy: Stock Market Paralyzed, Insane Poultry and Meat Prices
The USG Open Source Center translates or paraphrases Syrian news items on the economy of the war-torn country: Syrian Economic Roundup 01 – 07 Apr 13 Syria — OSC Summary Tuesday, April 9, 2013 Document Type: OSC Summary [Reports selected and rearranged by J.C.] Al-Iqtisadi on 4 April cited the Damascus Chamber of Commerce, saying […]