Solar energy’s rapid growth in America is evident – even casual observers will note the proliferation of solar photovoltaics (PV) across the country. But sheer size is usually illustrated best by statistics, and in this case, the stat is 418% That…
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Archives for 2014
Iraq: Baghdad’s Troubled Election Campaign Marred by Bombings that killed Dozens
Euronews film clip: “Three explosions in Baghdad have killed dozens of people as they were leaving an election rally in the east of the capital. A roadside bomb blew up near the gate outside the meeting. Followed by a suicide car bomb after a few minutes. Then a third explosion. A Sunni jihadist group [the […]
When will Israel Stop Shooting at Gaza Civilians?
(By Sarah Leah Whitson, Human Rights Watch) (Jerusalem) – The Israeli military should immediately stop shooting at Palestinian civilians inside Gaza. Israeli military forces have killed 4 and wounded more than 60 civilians near the perimeter fence with Gaza since the beginning of 2014, according to UN figures. There have been no reports of armed […]
How Iran’s Gadget Bloggers Became Victims of the Revolutionary Guard
Narenji (“Orange”) was Iran’s top website for gadget news, edited daily by a team of tech bloggers who worked from a cramped office in the country’s city of Kerman. The site was targeted at Iran’s growing audience of technology enthusiasts. Like Gizmodo…
Top 5 Signs Cliven Bundy is Wrong about African-Americans
Cliven Bundy told the NYT, “They abort their young children, they put their young men in jail, because they never learned how to pick cotton. And I’ve often wondered, are they better off as slaves, picking cotton and having a family life and doing things, or are they better off under government subsidy? They didn’t […]
Jon Stewart v. Hannity on Bundy & Law Enforcement: “Proportionality”
Jon Stewart examines whether Sean Hannity really is concerned, as he says, only with the disproportionate use of force by law enforcement, in the Cliven Bundy case. Turns out, police can use all the force they like against minorities and the left, from right wing bully Hannity’s point of view. The Daily ShowGet More: Daily […]
The Cost of Whistleblowing: Being consigned to the Minimum-Wage Underclass
(By Peter van Buren via Tomdispatch) There are many sides to whistleblowing. The one that most people don’t know about is the very personal cost, prison aside, including the high cost of lawyers and the strain on family relations, that follows the decision to risk it all in an act of conscience. Here’s a part […]
GOP Divided on Whether to Support Cliven Bundy’s “Negro” Remarks
Cliven Bundy wonders if blacks were ‘better off as slaves’: Republican supporters start fleeing (via The Moderate Voice) More responsible Republicans are now starting to flee. Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy, the rancher who refused to pay grazing fees, suggested he’d violently resist if the feds showed up to try and coerce him or touch his […]
The Coming Holy War over al-Aqsa Mosque/ Temple Mount in Jerusalem
Events of the past week in Jerusalem are extremely troubling, and indeed for the past four months. The al-Aqsa Mosque is the third holiest site in the world for Muslims, and the Israeli authorities and their squatter movement are becoming more and more aggressive toward the site and the Muslims who try to visit and […]