| – – Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump yesterday (8 December) defended his proposal to ban Muslims from entering the United States, comparing his plan to the World War Two detainment of Japanese-Americans in an attempt to dismiss growing outrage from around the world. On Monday (7 December), the billionaire conservative called for blocking […]
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Archives for 2015
Oh, no! Not another American war against evil!
By Ira Chernus | (Informed Comment) | – – This time, it’s the Islamic State (IS). After the attacks in Paris, Barack Obama, spokesman-in-chief for the United States of America, called that crew “the face of evil.” Shades of George W. Bush. The “evildoers” are back. And from every mountaintop, it seems, America now rings […]
Feeding the Monster: Islamophobia, Ratings, and Elections
Karam Dana | (Informed Comment) | – – Just when you think GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump has done it all, you are proven wrong. Reminiscent of the Chinese Exclusion act, the prequel to Japanese American Internments, Trump has called for banning Muslims from entering the US. Why is it so acceptable to target Muslims […]
Top 6 Times US government Excluded Millions based on Race or Religion
By Juan Cole | (Informed Comment) | – – Donald Trump, Ted Cruz and other bigots on the far right are nothing new in American history. Rather, they remind us of the worst and most shameful detours of the American Republic in the past. From the mid-nineteenth century racial theory became prominent in European and […]
America’s biggest enemy is our own American Exceptionalism
Bjarne Rostaing | (Informed Comment) | – – American Exceptionalism has an appealing patriotic buzz, though we owe the phrase to Josef Stalin, who was exasperated by American communists and their assumption of special rights and privileges. Manifest Destiny was the 19th century equivalent, and was created by a journalist to support war with Mexico. […]
Hope: World Economy Grew but CO2 Emissions Slowed in 2015 (Less Coal, more Wind & Solar)
Pep Canadell | (The Conversation) | – – Despite robust global economic growth over the past two years, worldwide carbon emissions from fossil fuels grew very little in 2014, and might even fall this year. A report released today by the Global Carbon Project has found that fossil fuel emissions of carbon dioxide grew by […]
‘You ain’t no Muslim, Bruv’ retort to London Attacker goes Viral
By Jon Queally, staff writer | ( | – – With anti-Muslim and xenophobic sentiment on the rise in the wake of Paris attacks, social media hashtag aims to pushback against reactionary blame game by Jon Queally, staff writer 8 Comments The scene of the attack that took place inside the Tube terminal in London […]
Western Invasions can’t fix the Middle East because they wrecked the Middle East
By Baher Kamal | (Inter Press Service) | – – MADRID (IPS) – One hundred years ago, on 6 May 1916, two men, Briton Sir Mark Sykes and French diplomat François Georges-Picot, were entrusted by their respective governments with a rather exceptional task. That task, which initially counted with the assent of the Tsarist Russia, […]
Israeli Occupation Court Sentences Palestinian Legislator for Thought Crimes
By IMEMC News | – – An Israeli court sentenced, Sunday, democratically-elected leftist Palestinian legislator, and a senior political leader of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP), Khaleda Jarrar to 15 months imprisonment. The army kidnapped the legislator on April 2nd of this year, and on April 5th, she was sentenced for […]