By Juan Cole | (Informed Comment) | – – When a teacher in rural Augusta county, Virginia, decided to expose her students to the Arabic script (a piece of calligraphy writing out the Muslim profession of faith), the backlash from some furious parents so hinted at violence that county schools had to be closed for […]
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Archives for 2015
Palestine Tourism For True Rapprochement Between People
By Siraj Center | (IMEMC) | – – The Siraj Center makes up the Travel Department of The Palestinian Centre for Rapprochement between People (PCR). The Siraj Center is a nonprofit tour operator, and is licensed by the Palestinian Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities. The goal is to bridge the gaps between Palestinians and people […]
Carbon Emissions stall as renewables move into top gear
The Tree | – – As the news broke … that global greenhouse gas emissions reached a plateau in 2014, a flotilla of announcements from both countries and companies at the Paris climate summit confirmed renewable energy’s pivotal role in the future global economy. Saint Lucia became the 29th nation to join an island renewables […]
Muslims Shield Christians from al-Shabab Terror
Cenk Uygur | (The Young Turks Video Report) | – – “Al-Shabaab is a terrorist group that operates in Somalia and Kenya. Lately they have been attacking buses full of civilians, particularly non-Muslims. Cenk Uygur, host of the The Young Turks, breaks it down. “Their M.O. is a tried and terrifying one: Launch a raid, […]
Europol: 1% of 2014 European Terrorism by Muslims
By Juan Cole | (Informed Comment) | – – The Europol* report on European terrorism for 2014 would obviously look different for the horrible year of 2015. So too was 2011 an outlier, when far right wing Islamophobe Anders Breivik killed 77 Norwegian leftists for being soft on Islam. But it is worthwhile considering it, […]
Israeli PM: ‘Arab terror and Jewish terror’ are different
Ma’an News Agency | – – BETHLEHEM (Ma’an) — In lieu of a growing Israeli focus on Jewish extremism, Israel’s Prime Minister on Sunday said that comparing “Arab terror and Jewish terror” was impossible, Israeli media reported. During the weekly cabinet meeting, Benjamin Netanyahu said: “Here we condemn and they [the Palestinians] praise,” according to […]
Daesh/ ISIL hasn’t weakened al-Qaeda– Its Affiliates are Stronger than Ever
By Ari Heistein | (Informed Comment) | – – Experts predicted that the rise of the Caliphate declared by Daesh (ISIS, ISIL) would be disastrous for al-Qaeda(AQ). One report that concluded “The good news is that this power struggle [between Daesh and AQ] may weaken both of them.” The belief was that Osama Bin Laden’s […]
Yemen: US-Backed Saudi Coalition illegally bombing Residential Areas
By Human Rights Watch | – – (Beirut) – The Saudi Arabia-led coalition fighting in Yemen carried out at least six apparently unlawful airstrikes in residential areas of the capital, Sanaa, in September and October 2015, killing 60 civilians. Coalition members and the United States, as a party to the conflict, are required under the […]
Will Mosul rise against Daesh/ ISIL? If not, who can liberate it?
By Nawzat Shamdeen | ( | – – “Everyone says zero hour is coming closer. Some of the politicians – including the Prime Minister – have said that operations to liberate Mosul have already started,” a Mosul man, who still lives in the extremist-occupied city, wrote in a message sent to NIQASH on social media. […]