AJ+ | – – “The world hasn’t been very hospitable to refugees from Syria – a country with a long history of taking in people displaced from other parts of the world.” AJ+: “History Of The Refugees Who Fled To Syria”
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Archives for 2015
As Russia supports Iran in Syria, Netanyahu Loses Again
By Juan Cole | (Informed Comment) | – – On Monday, Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu, accompanied by Armed Forces Chief of Staff Gadi Eizenkot and Military Intelligence chief Hertzi Halevy, visited Moscow and attempted to hammer out an agreement with Russia to forestall any military confrontations between the two. Netanyahu also lobbied Russian President […]
Dark Money Surge: Conservatives Buoyed by Historic Flood of Contributions
By Sarah Lazare, staff writer | ( Commondreams.org) – – A new report from Center for Responsive Politics finds single-candidate groups have spent $16.2 million total so far—- over 55 times levels seen in 2012—- and conservatives disproportionately benefit. Political spending by outside groups seeking to the influence the 2016 presidential election is already dramatically […]
Violent clashes in Jerusalem fed by extreme Israeli counter-measures
By Yoav Galai | (The Conversation) | – – On the evening of Monday September 14, Alex Levlovich was driving back from the Rosh-Hashana Seder, the celebration of the Jewish new year, along the road that separates the Jewish neighbourhood of Armon Hanatziv and the Palestinian neighbourhood of Tsur Bahir in East Jerusalem when the […]
Syria, Reserve army of Terrorism: Taliban Uzbek in Suicide Bombing of Shiite Village
By Joanna Paraszczuk and Barno Anvar | ( RFE/ RL ) An Uzbek militant has carried out a suicide truck bombing in the predominantly Shi’ite town of Fua in Idlib Province, part of a major attack against Bashar al-Assad’s Syrian forces by Islamist factions led by Syria’s Al-Qaeda affiliate, the Al-Nusra Front. One of a […]
Majority of Palestinians lose hope in 2 States, Await Israeli Ethnic Cleansing
Ma’an News Agency | – – BETHLEHEM (Ma’an) — A majority of Palestinians now oppose a two-state solution to the conflict with Israel, with only a third believing it is still a practical possibility, a poll released Monday found. The poll, conducted by the Palestinian Center for Policy and Research, found that 51 percent of […]
Has the GOP given up on winning the Presidency? Carson, Trump on Muslims, Latinos
By Juan Cole | (Informed Comment) | – – Ben Carson’s and Donald Trump’s comments about Muslims over the weekend again showed the GOP as the party of exclusion, not inclusion (though to be fair Sen. Lindsey Graham and Gov. Chris Christie had the intestinal fortitude to denounce those comments, unlike the rest of the […]
What’s behind Russia’s military build-up in Syria?
By Alexander Titov | (The Conversation) | – – Evidence is emerging of a significant intensification of Russia’s military support for the Assad government. While the exact scale and purpose of Russia’s latest deployments remain obscure, the available evidence suggests that the Russians are preparing an airbase near the city of Latakia for possible airstrikes […]
Turkey Risks Turmoil with end of Peace Process & of Non-Intervention Policies
By Omer Tekdemir and Oğuzhan Göksel | (Open Democracy) | – – Though often depicted as a relatively stable exception in a turbulent region, the Republic of Turkey has also wrestled with burdens of the Ottoman Empire. Arguably, the most troublesome legacy has been the multi-ethnic and multi-religious character of post-Ottoman society, because even after […]