By Randall Stephens | (The Conversation) | – – The latest Republican presidential primary debate had it all: denunciations of President Obama, angry rants about America’s future, and all manner of bile. It seems like a new low – but in reality, Republican candidates have been singing this tune for years. In the fall of […]
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Archives for 2015
Can Digital India flourish without Freedom of Speech? PM Modi in Silicon Valley
Priya Satia | (Huffington Post) | – – The Indian community of Silicon Valley is preparing to welcome Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi with open arms next week, in a route stop that has outshined the PM’s ultimate U.S. destination–his meeting with President Obama. Mr. Modi comes to promote Digital India, and local Indians are […]
Trump Pledges to “Look into” Paranoid Charges of Muslim-American Terror camps
By Juan Cole | (Informed Comment) | – – Donald Trump has probably benefited so far from giving long stemwinders of a speech on the hustings, saying enough outrageous things in each one to inflict on journalists information overload. He got away with a lot of awful statements because journalists only had room to focus […]
As Iran takes on ISIL/ Daesh, can it avoid the Sectarian Trap?
By Shahram Akbarzadeh | (Informed Comment) | – – In an obvious attempt to show initiative and good will, President Hassan Rouhani recently declared Iran’s readiness to discuss Syria with the United States and Saudi Arabia. With the nuclear deal looking likely to be endorsed by the US Congress and the Iranian Majlis – not […]
Rights group: Israelis have killed nearly 2000 Palestinian children since 2000
Ma’an News Agency | – – BETHLEHEM (Ma’an) — More than 1,991 Palestinian children have been killed by Israeli forces and extremists since 2000, according to figures released by an international rights group Thursday. Ongoing settlement building in occupied East Jerusalem and the West Bank are wedging Palestinian children and their families against “expanding and […]
A Guru for Our Time: Eqbal Ahmad and the life of Dissent from Empire
By Stuart Schaar | (Informed Comment) | – – In the early 1960s I was living in Rabat while researching my doctoral dissertation for Princeton University. My friend, the Pakistani Eqbal Ahmad (d. 1999), who was living in Tunisia and also researching his dissertation, had just driven through Algeria as the Algerians celebrated their victory […]
Refugees from the Phony Caliphate: Iraqis hire People Smugglers to escape Mosul
Special Correspondent | ( | – – Hassan Hafouzi* and his family paid people smugglers so they could leave Mosul, the city controlled by the so-called Islamic State group. Two days after they arrived in Istanbul, they told NIQASH how they got out. Don’t try to leave: The notorious al-Fath al-Mubin checkpoint on Mosul’s western […]
How GOP Candidates would Deal with Syria, Short Version
By Juan Cole | (Informed Comment) | – – Political Satire In the course of the second GOP debate at CNN, anchor Jake Tapper asked the candidates about Syria policy. They for the most part did not actually answer the question, but occasionally said something. But they often said it at great length. Here is […]
America can — and should — Do More for Syrian Refugees
By Chris Toensing | ( | – – Imagine that 58 million Americans were streaming into Canada and Mexico, many with only a small satchel and the clothes on their backs. Picture another 102 million residents of the Eastern seaboard seeking refuge with relatives in the Midwest and West. That terrifying mental exercise gives a […]