Technion | Shana Tova – Video| – – “Technion-Israel Institute of Technology has the touch to get you ready for the New Year – a robot picks a pomegranate from the tree in the Seven Species Garden outside the CEAR lab in the Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering and his friends travel across campus […]
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Archives for 2015
Global Warming: Sierra Nevada snowpack at 500-year low, Worse Coming
By Valerie Trouet | (The Conversation) | – – In the Mediterranean climate of California, with its warm, wet winters and hot, dry summers, the snowpack in the Sierra Nevada mountains plays a critical role. It serves as a natural water storage system that feeds waterways and reservoirs during the dry summer months. That’s why […]
Contrary to Propaganda, Iran has always denounced Nukes
By Farhang Jahanpour | (Inter Press Service) | – – OXFORD (IPS) – Despite all the propaganda about the Iranian leaders’ rush to acquire nuclear weapons, ever since the start of the country’s nuclear programme, Iranian leaders have been adamant that they only wish to make peaceful use of the nuclear energy to which they […]
Clashes rock Al-Aqsa Compound, 3rd Holiest Muslim Shrine, for 2nd day
Ma’an News Agency | – – JERUSALEM (Ma’an) — Israeli forces and Palestinians clashed for the second consecutive day at the Al-Aqsa Mosque compound on Monday, with several journalists injured as Israeli forces fired stun grenades and tear gas canisters in the holy site. Ayman Abu Rumouz, a cameraman for Lebanon-based satellite channel al-Mayadeen, was […]
US Intel Chief: Iraq and Syria may not Survive as States
By Juan Cole | (Informed Comment) | – – Public remarks by the head of the US Defense Intelligence Agency and by John Brennan, director of the CIA, suggest that Washington is making its peace with a break-up of Syria and Iraq. They hastened to say that break-up was not US policy, they simply saw […]
Sanders surges in Iowa as Clinton faces Enthusiasm Gap
Anthony Salvanto | (CBS Face the Nation Video) | – – “A new CBS News 2016 Battleground Tracker poll shows presidential contender Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vermont, leading in both Iowa and New Hampshire. With 78 percent of Sanders fans “enthusiastically” supporting his candidacy, states across the nation are feeling the Bern.” CBS Face the Nation: […]
When will War be off the Table? Iran & US Trash Talk
By David M. Faris | (Informed Comment) | – – You have to admire the sheer gall of the Republican presidential field, which has coalesced around the idea of, in Scott Walker’s words, blowing up the Iranian nuclear deal “on day one.” As most candidates also pledge to repeal Obamacare on the first day, one […]
Israel’s Deep Role in Syrian Refugee Crisis: Saga of Yarmouk
By: Ramzy Baroud | (Ma’an News Agency) | – – When Zionist Haganah militias carried out Operation Yiftach, on May 19 1948, the aim was to drive Palestinians in the northern Safad District which had declared its independence a mere five days earlier, outside the border of Israel. The ethnic cleansing of Safad and its […]
Could we melt all the Ice in Antarctica if we Keep on Burning Fossil Fuels?
By Andy Ridgwell | (The Conversation) | – – Here is a great “what-if”: if we (the human race) were to burn all available fossil fuels, could we melt the largest and most stable ice sheet on the planet – Antarctica? Could our collective industrial impacts on the planet possibly have that far a reach? […]