AJ+ | (Video News Report) | – – “One year after 132 kids were killed in a school attack, Pakistan’s army has found another way to fight the Taliban. ” Pakistan’s New Weapon Against Taliban Is Education
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Archives for 2015
Syrian Refugees from Civil War spiraling down into Extreme Poverty
By Thalif Deen | (Inter Press Service) | – – UNITED NATIONS, Dec 16 2015 (IPS) – When German Chancellor Angela Merkel defended her immigration policies early this week — and announced plans to absorb about one million refugees, mostly from Syria — she was apparently greeted with a nine-minute standing ovation by members of […]
Could an end to Syria’s civil war be in sight?
By James Gelvin | (The Conversation) | – – If, as cliché has it, the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results, isn’t the recent flurry of diplomatic activity aimed at bringing about a negotiated settlement to the Syrian civil war insane? None of the previous attempts […]
UN Secretary-General Accuses Israel of ‘Breeding’ Palestinian Attacks
By IMEMC | – – This past Tuesday, in Jakarta, Indonesia, the International Conference on the Question of Jerusalem was organized by the Committee on the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People, with the Organization of Islamic Cooperation. It was sponsored by the United Nations. In a statement delivered on his behalf […]
Nobelist Malala to Trump: Your Islamophobia is creating the grounds for Terrorism
Wochit News | (Video report) | – – “Malala Yousafzai had a few words for Donald Trump and other politicians for attacking the Muslim Religion She stated in an interview directed towards trump. “The more you speak about Islam and against all Muslims, the more terrorists we create,”. This comes after Trump’s proposition to end […]
How Israeli settlements stifle Palestine’s economy
By Nur Arafeh, Samia al-Botmeh and Leila Farsakh |Al-Shabaka/ Ma’an News Agency | – – Al-Shabaka is an independent non-profit organization whose mission is to educate and foster public debate on Palestinian human rights and self-determination within the framework of international law. In this policy brief, Al-Shabaka Policy Fellow Nur Arafeh and Policy Advisors Samia […]
No, GOP, you can’t win by Carpet-bombing
By Juan Cole | (Informed Comment) | – – At the GOP debate Tuesday night, Ted Cruz came out swinging wildly. Blitzer: Senator Cruz, you have said you would, quote, “carpet bomb ISIS into oblivion,” testing whether, quote, “sand can glow in the dark.” Does that mean leveling the ISIS capital of Raqqa in Syria […]
If the Dead could Speak: The Real People Syrian Regime Tortured to Death
By Human Rights Watch | – – "If the Dead Could Speak" reveals some of the human stories behind the more than 28,000 photos of deaths in government custody that were smuggled out of Syria and first came to public attention in January 2014. “Just about every detainee in these photographs was someone’s beloved child, […]
Is Corporate Media Enabling GOP Hate Speech?
By Sarah Lazare, staff writer| (Commondreams.org) | – – Watchdogs say corporate media is stoking racist and fear-mongering rhetoric The moderators of last night's CNN presidential debate provided a two hour platform for every Republican candidate to further fear and hatred against Muslims," said Steven Renderos of the Center for Media Justice. (Photo: Getty)” /> […]