By Juan Cole | (Informed Comment) | – – Aided by a massive Russian bombing campaign and Hizbullah and Iranian (or likely actually Afghan) reinforcements, the Syrian Arab Army has broken out of the siege imposed on West Aleppo by rebel forces toward the north, and now seems positioned to besiege East Aleppo, which is […]
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Archives for 2016
Who Won the 2/4 Democratic Debate, Sanders or Clinton?
Ana Kasparian, John Iadarola & Jimmy Dore | (The Young Turks Video) | – – “Between Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton who was the biggest winner of the Democratic Debate on MSNBC? The Young Turks panel of Ana Kasparian, John Iadarola (ThinkTank), and Jimmy Dore (The Jimmy Dore Show) break it down.” The Young Turks: […]
The ISIL Challenge: Neither WW III nor a Minor Threat
By Julie Poucher Harbin, editor/ Alberto Fernandez | ISLAMiCommentary | – – Dozens of Middle East studies scholars, students and the general public packed a public talk — “Beyond Hysteria and Apologia: The ISIS Challenge in Perspective” — given by retired US diplomat Ambassador Alberto Fernandez. “ISIS is neither the coming of World War 3, […]
Muslims who saved Jews from Holocaust Honored (& Case of Albania)
Interfaith Peacemakers | – – [N.B. The interfaith ‘I am your Protector” Campaign, founded by Dani Laurence, last week commemorated in several cities the Muslims who saved Jews from the Holocaust. Laurence told Alarabiya, “”The way Muslims are often portrayed in the media, public discourses can lead to fear and hatred. I Am Your Protector […]
Rubio wants to give each millionaire $220K by Eliminating Taxes on Stock Earnings
Chuck Collins | | – – Bad tax policy ideas never die, they just get recycled. The latest retread is GOP candidate Marco Rubio’s proposal to entirely eliminate taxes on capital gains income. A preferential tax rate on capital gains has always been a staple of GOP tax policy. But only the brazen few […]
Saudi Arabia ‘Ready’ to send Thousands of Ground Troops to Syria
TeleSur | – – The Saudi military said it is ready to contribute thousands of troops to Syria as part of the U.S.-led anti-Islamic State group coalition. Saudi Arabia, already involved in a large aerial and ground operation in Yemen, said it would be willing to send more ground troops to Syria to fight the […]
Obama Condemns hatred of Muslim-Americans, Affirms their Importance to Nation
By Juan Cole | (Informed Comment) | – – President Obama spoke Wednesday at a Baltimore mosque in an explicit pushback against the hatred for Muslims being promoted by billionaire real estate developer Donald J. Trump and others among the Republican presidential candidates. Trump has scapegoated all Muslim-Americans for the violence committed by a tiny […]
Poll: Most Americans Want Redistribution Of Wealth
Cenk Uygur and John Iadarola | (The Young Turks Video Report) | – – “Now that Bernie Sanders knows that people will show up and vote for him in large numbers, the attacks from the mainstream and right have begun. But it turns out that his ideas are incredibly popular. Cenk Uygur and John Iadarola […]
Let’s Talk About Bernie Sanders and the Middle East
By Derek Davison | Lobelog | Foreign Politicy in Focus | – – On foreign policy, the Vermont independent’s “political revolution” hasn’t done much to distinguish itself from Hillary Clinton or Barack Obama. Foreign policy has taken a backseat to domestic issues in the Democratic primary thus far. There are two explanations for this. One […]