By Scott Lucas | (The Conversation) | – – Months after Russia spectacularly entered the Syrian conflict, [the so-called] Islamic State (IS) is still thumbing its nose at both Moscow and the Assad regime in murderous fashion. On May 23, the group detonated between seven and nine car and suicide bombs in the coastal cities […]
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Archives for 2016
Trump accepts Climate Change threat . . . to his Golf Course
By Cenk Uygur and Ana Kasparian | ( The Young Turks Video Report) | – – “Donald Trump has said that he believes climate change is a hoax. That contradicts his company’s filing in Ireland, to build a sea wall to protect his golf resort, from rising sea levels caused by climate change. Cenk Uygur […]
The Pentagon’s War on Accountability: At $600 Bn a Year, Why aren’t any Wars being Won?
By William D. Hartung | ( | – – Now you see it, now you don’t. Think of it as the Department of Defense’s version of the street con game, three-card monte, or maybe simply as the Pentagon shuffle. In any case, the Pentagon’s budget is as close to a work of art as you’re […]
ISIL hits Syrian Regime in Shiite northwest, killing 150
By Juan Cole | (Informed Comment) | – – The leftist Beirut daily al-Safir reports that security in Syria broke down dramatically on Monday, as seven bombs timed to go off simultaneously hit soft targets in the Syrian Mediterranean cities of Jebleh and Tartus, killing some 150 persons and wounding 225 , the vast majority […]
Israel: Netanyahu reiterates opposition to French peace initiative
Ma’an News Agency | – – BETHLEHEM (Ma’an) — Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu reiterated on Monday his rejection of a French initiative for an international peace conference to solve the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, stating once again that he would only consider “direct negotiations” with Palestinian leadership without Palestinian preconditions. “Peace just does not get achieved […]
Fruits of Perseverence: Dem Platform Committee to Feel the Bern
TeleSur | – – The Democratic Party will allow Sanders to have a prominent say in writing its platform this year. The Democratic Party said on Monday it will give U.S. presidential contender Bernie Sanders a prominent say in writing its platform this year, a gesture that could ease tensions between Sanders’ camp and party […]
As they Liberate Villages from ISIL, Kurds drawing Syrians into Feminist Democracy
By Rahila Gupta | ( OpenDemocracy | – – Rojava is a fast moving, dynamic place where things change by the minute. What are the material conditions which support this woman-centred revolution ? Part 5 of 50.50’s series Witnessing the revolution in Rojava, northern Syria. There is a real sense of a people responding to […]
US Centcom Commander in Syria to Coordinate Kurds, Arabs against ISIL
By Juan Cole | (Informed Comment) | – – Robert Burns of AP reported on the visit inside Syria of the head of the US Middle East Command (Centcm), Army Gen. Joseph Votel, to assess the progress in US training of the Syrian Democratic Forces division. It is said to comprise 25,000 Kurdish fighters of […]
New Turkish PM Firmly Behind Erdogan on Executive Presidency
TeleSur | – – Binali Yildirim was unanimously selected by members of Turkey’s ruling party to be the country’s next prime minister. Turkey’s incoming prime minister says his government’s top priority will be a new constitution to create an executive presidency, a move that would give President Tayyip Erdogan the broad powers he has long […]