Reena Ninan | CBS News | (Video Clip) | – – “A new article in The Nation suggests Ariana Grande has a better approach to fighting terrorism than Defense Secretary James Mattis. After a deadly attack at Grande’s concert in Manchester, the singer is now reaching out to victims and thanking them for their strength. […]
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Archives for 2017
Painting of the Day: Girl w/ Wine Cup, Isfahan, Iran, 1650
British Museum | Persian Watercolor in style of Muhammad Qasim | – – “Girl with a wine cup Style of Muhammad Qasim Safavid Iran, Isfahan, 1640-50 Ink and opaque watercolour on paper By 1650 drawings of young men or women holding wine cups in the countryside had become standard rather than hackneyed fare in Persian […]
No, Republicans… God Won’t “Take Care Of” Global Warming
By Cenk Uygur and Ana Kasparian | (The Young Turks) | – – “Congressional Republicans threatening the survival of the human species are telling fairy tales about heavenly carbon bailouts to help themselves sleep better at night. Cenk Uygur and Ana Kasparian, hosts of The Young Turks, discuss.” The Young Turks: “No, Republicans… God Won’t […]
How bad could Trump’s Paris Agreement withdrawal be? A scientist’s perspective
By Robert Kopp | (The Conversation) | – – Even before the Paris Agreement was signed in December 2015, market forces and policy measures were starting to tilt the world toward a lower-carbon future. U.S. carbon dioxide emissions peaked in 2007, and Chinese emissions may have peaked in 2014. Solar energy, wind and energy storage […]
Did Trump’s Climate Disavowal just kill Capitalism?
By Juan Cole | (Informed Comment) | – – The last time capitalism faced a crisis this deep, it was 1929. People minded the Great Depression. All those people Joe McCarthy persecuted in the 1950s for having joined the Communist Party when they were young and angry had been angry because of the Great Depression. […]
Could public anger over Kabul Bombing shake Afghan Government?
By Frud Bezhan. ( RFE/RL) | – – How did a sewage tank truck packed with explosives penetrate a heavily fortified area of the Afghan capital and carry out the deadliest attack in Kabul since the U.S.-led invasion in 2001? That is the question angry Afghans want the government to answer, and provide some explanation […]
Saudi-Trump War on Yemen: Cholera Cases could Reach 130,000 in Two Weeks
TeleSur | – – “It is time for parties to the conflict to prioritize the boys and girls of Yemen and put an end to the fighting,” said UNICEF official Geert Cappelaere. Nearly 600 fatalities have already occurred among a total of 70,000 cholera cases in Yemen. Now, the United Nations Children’s Fund, UNICEF, has […]
‘There Is No Holiness in an Occupied City’: Jewish Activists Protest Israel’s ‘Jerusalem Day’
Written by Maya Schkolne | Written by Joey Ayoub | ( | – – For many Palestinians, the Israeli national holiday of Jerusalem Day, or Yom Yerushalayim (יום ירושלים) in Hebrew, is a bitter reminder of Israel’s systemic impunity. Following the capture of East Jerusalem by the Israeli Defence Forces during the 1967 Six Day […]
Top 5 Climate Catastrophes to which Trump just Doomed his own Supporters
By Juan Cole | (Informed Comment) | – – On Thursday, Trump delivered himself of one of the most brain-dead speeches ever given by an American president, more imbecilic even than Bush’s “Mission Accomplished” or Nixon’s “I am not a crook.” He withdrew from the Paris climate accords, saying that he was elected to represent […]