By Juan Cole | (Informed Comment) | – – Whether or not the new Trump Executive Order banning visas for citizens of 6 Muslim-majority countries for a 90 day period and likewise excluding all refugees for six months stands up in the courts, it is still a piece of sordid bigotry. The rationale for the […]
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Archives for 2017
As Trump Bans Somalis, 100s dying from Hunger in Severe Drought
The Watchers : Watching the World Evolve and Transform | – – 110 people have died from hunger in the past 48 hours in just one region of Somalia as severe drought gripped the country, causing hunger crisis. The death toll was announced by prime minister Hassan Ali Khaire today and it comes from the […]
Ben Carson thinks Slaves came as “Immigrants,” earned “Less”
CBS | (Video News Clip) | – – “Housing and Urban Development Secretary Dr. Ben Carson is facing backlash after referring to slaves as immigrants. CBSN’s Vlad Duthiers has the story on what exactly Carson said.” “13:26: BEN CARSON: “That’s what America is about. A land of dreams and opportunity. There were other immigrants who […]
‘Claim the sky’: a new climate movement for the Trump era
By Robert Costanza | (The Conversation) | – – President Donald Trump is making it less likely the United States will meet the emissions targets it agreed at the 2015 Paris climate conference. These targets are themselves insufficient to meet the Paris Agreement’s overall goal of keeping global warming well within 2℃. But there is […]
Israel Bans Entry to Anyone Calling for Country’s Boycott
TeleSur | – – BDS [Boycott, Divestment & Sanctions] has grown into an effective international movement as many companies and celebrities join efforts to hold Israel accountable for illegal actions against Palestinians. Israel’s parliament passed a law Monday barring foreigners who publicly support boycotts on Israel and its illegal Jewish settlements in occupied Palestinian lands […]
Dirty, Hot, Deadly: The Real Trump Scandal is What He’s done to the Environment
By Juan Cole | (Informed Comment) | – – I don’t think Trump creates Twitter scandals to deflect attention from his real scandals. I think his mind just works in an odd way. But the fact is that concentrating too much on the sound and fury issuing from Mar-a-Lago is counter-productive. Trump actually is changing […]
Syrian Musicians Celebrate Palmyra’s Liberation
TeleSur | – – The city and its ruins, designated a UNESCO world heritage site in 1980, have traded hands several times during Syria’s six-year civil war. The 15-year-old’s voice floated over the ancient Roman theater, heavily damaged then abandoned by Islamic State group members Thursday as Syrian army forces drew near, eventually liberating the […]
AG Jeff Sessions as Gump: SNL Cold Open
Kate McKinnon | (Saturday Night Live) | Video Clip | – – “Attorney General Jeff Sessions (Kate McKinnon) chats with strangers (Octavia Spencer, Leslie Jones, Kyle Mooney, Aidy Bryant, Beck Bennett) at a bus stop.” Saturday Night Live: “Jeff Sessions Gump Cold Open – SNL”
“Dear Nasemi: ‘I’m Sorry.'” (ICE doesn’t Keep out Afghan-American Coffins)
By Jonathan S. Addleton | (Informed Comment) | – – Dear Nasemi – I’m sorry. It is hard to believe that it was almost four years ago that we walked together along a dusty Zabul road in southern Afghanistan. I was a few yards ahead of you when we heard the first of two explosions, […]