Ma’an News Agency | – – BETHLEHEM (Ma’an) — Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu came out on Wednesday in support of pardoning Elor Azarya, as right-wing Israeli officials further coalesced in support of the Israeli soldier who was convicted of manslaughter for the point-blank shooting of a Palestinian in Hebron. The Israeli military court gave […]
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Archives for 2017
Why American TV needs a Muslim Modern Family – Reza Aslan
Reza Aslan / Vox | (Video Report) | – – “Writer Reza Aslan thinks a Muslim Will and Grace could truly change American perceptions of Islam.” Vox: “Why American TV needs a Muslim Modern Family”
Top 4 Ways Bush even more Outrageously Dissed the Intelligence Community
By Juan Cole | (Informed Comment) | – – Philip Mudd, former deputy director of the Central Intelligence Agency counter-terrorist center and FBI National Security Branch, has been on CNN maintaining that there was a big difference between how the intelligence agencies were treated by the Bush administration and how the PEOTUS is treating them. […]
Muslim Shockwaves as New Congress’ Bill seeks all Jerusalem for Israeli Colonization
TeleSur | – – Three U.S. senators introduced a bill calling for U.S. embassy to be relocated to Jerusalem and recognizing city as Israeli capital. As it convened for the first Tuesday of the New Year, the new U.S. Congress made one of its primary orders of business the introduction of a bill to move […]
Could Erdoğan be losing his grip on a dangerous, divided Turkey?
By Alpaslan Ozerdem and Bahar Baser | (The Conversation) | – – Turkey’s New Year was marred by a terrorist attack, claimed by the so-called Islamic State (IS), that killed 39 people and injured many more at a famous nightclub in Istanbul. After nearly two years of deadly incidents and alarming political instability, Turks were […]
Iran reaps the benefits, as US and Saudi Flounder in ME
By Shahram Akbarzadeh | (Informed Comment) | – – The Islamic republic of Iran starts 2017 in a strong regional position, much to the annoyance of its detractors. Iran has managed to secure reprieve from international sanctions, see its ally in Syria survive a most devastating threat, and grow its military influence in the region […]
Rebuking Fundamentalists, Funeral for Palestinian-Israeli Istanbul Victim draws Thousands
By Juan Cole | (Informed Comment) | – – One of the thirty-nine victims of the Daesh (ISIL, ISIS) shooting at the Reina nightclub in Istanbul, Layan Nasser, 19, was buried on Tuesday in her home town, Tira, in central Israel. Roughly a fifth of Israeli citizens are of Palestinian heritage, the majority of them […]
Can Anti-Fracking Movement mount resistance to Trump?
By Emilio Godoy | (Inter Press Service) | – – LITTLE ROCK, Arkansas, USA , Jan 4 2017 (IPS) – Earl Hatley, a descendant of the Cherokee/Delaware tribe, has witnessed the consequences of using hydraulic fracturing or “fracking” on his native land to produce shale gas. “Fracking is harmful to water supplies, wildlife, and property […]
Some Animals are Better: An American Version of the One-Party State
By Tom Engelhardt | ( ) | – – Know thyself. It was what came to mind in the wake of Donald Trump’s victory and my own puzzling reaction to it. And while that familiar phrase just popped into my head, I had no idea it was so ancient, or Greek, or for that […]