By Mattathias Schwartz, special to ProPublica | – – Last week, Dan Coats, the former senator from Indiana and current head of the U.S. intelligence community, was interviewed by NBC’s Lester Holt in front of a live audience at the Aspen Security Forum, a gathering where diplomats, journalists and top U.S. officials mingle with business […]
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Archives for 2017
Turkey’s Vast Censorship now Enlists all Citizens in Twitter Police Reports
Dağhan Irak | (The Conversation) | – – On July 4, Eren Aksoyoğlu, a member of the Turkish Joint June Movement opposition bloc, was taken into custody for a tweet criticising the government’s handling of a racially-motivated brawl in Ankara. Less than two weeks later, Turkish police issued a warrant for film director Mustafa Altıoklar […]
Israel to penalize Amnesty Int’l financially over support for Boycott
Ma’an News Agency | – – BETHLEHEM (Ma’an) — Israel’s Finance Minister Moshe Kahlon has reportedly taken steps to strip Amnesty International of its tax benefits in Israel, barring Israeli donors from receiving tax deductions from their donations to the international human rights organization owing to its calls to boycott Israel’s illegal settlements on occupied […]
Top 5 Trump Secrets of Sadism, from Trans People to Priebus to Police
By Juan Cole | (Informed Comment) | – – Trump is a “Tyrannical Sadist”. It may not be a personality disorder in the latest diagnostic manual on its own any more (it was considered too close to Anti-Social Personality Disorder) , but it is kind of like pornography. You know it when you see it. […]
L-G-B-T’ – James Corden Sings for Transgender Troops
The Late Late Show with James Corden. | (CBS Video) | – – “James Corden responds to President Donald Trump’s decision to ban transgender people from the military with a parody of the classic song “L-O-V-E.” The Late Late Show with James Corden: “‘L-G-B-T’ – James Corden Sings for Transgender Troops
Tesla 3 Arrives: Beginning of End of Climate Change? (Video)
CBS SF Bay Area | (Video News Report) | – – “Tesla Inc. is set to deliver the new electric Model 3 compact car to its first 30 customers on Friday evening. Kiet Do reports from Fremont.” CBS SF Bay Area: “Tesla Set To Roll Out First Model 3s In Fremont”
Accountability: Pakistan PM Resigns After Supreme Court Corruption Ruling
TeleSur | – – The ruling comes after months of hearings over Nawaz Sharif’s alleged corruption. Pakistan’s Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif resigned on Friday after the country’s Supreme Court disqualified him from office over corruption claims against his family. The Prime Minister’s office said in a statement that Sharif has “stepped down” despite having “serious […]
Huge Palestinian Demos over Sacred al-Aqsa lead Israel to lift all Restrictions
Ma’an News Agency | – – JERUSALEM (Ma’an) – Following deadly clashes that erupted across the occupied West Bank, including East Jerusalem, and besieged Gaza Strip on Friday in protest of continued Israeli-imposed restrictions on Al-Aqsa Mosque, the Islamic Trust, or Waqf — in charge of running the holy site — has confirmed that all […]
Shell, terrified of EVs, expects ‘low forever’ Gasoline Prices; it is too Optimistic
By Juan Cole | (Informed Comment) | – – The Telegraph reports that Royal Dutch Shell, the massive oil company, has abruptly decided that petroleum prices are likely to remain low “forever,” given the rise of the electric vehicle. France and Britain have both just vowed that they will have no gasoline vehicles by 2040, […]