By Joe Sexton | ProPublica | – – Last Wednesday, July 19, was something of a busy news day. There was word North Korea was making preparations for yet another provocative missile test. The Supreme Court, in its latest ruling in the controversial travel ban case, said that people from the six largely Muslim countries […]
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Archives for 2017
India: With 370% increase in Solar, aims at Electricity for all by 2030
World Bank. | (Video Report) | – – “With a sweeping commitment to solar power, innovative solutions and energy efficiency initiatives to supply its people with 24×7 electricity by 2030, India is emerging as a front runner in the global fight against climate change. In this video, the country’s Minister of State for Power, Coal, […]
Trump: Aid to Syrian Rebels was ‘Massive,’ ‘Dangerous;’ slams Post
By Juan Cole | (Informed Comment) | – – Trump trashed the Washington Post on Monday, calling it the Amazon Washington Post and implicitly complaining about a July 19 article on his halt to funding Syrian rebels. Trump tweeted: The Amazon Washington Post fabricated the facts on my ending massive, dangerous, and wasteful payments to […]
The challenges and strengths of Palestine’s ‘orchestra’ of civil resistance
By Molly Wallace | ( Waging Nonviolence / Peace Science Digest) | – – Contrary to widespread stereotypes regarding the nature of Palestinian resistance, there has long been a tradition of unarmed civil resistance against Israeli occupation — a tradition renewed with Israel’s construction of the so-called “separation barrier” (a.k.a. “apartheid wall” [Palestinians] or “security […]
There’s No ‘Free Market’ Solution to Health Care
By Geoff Coventry | ( | – – A fully privatized system can never adequately provision the nation. The Republicans have big plans for health care in this country: to eliminate coverage for millions of Americans while delivering a big tax cut to the rich. As someone who stands to benefit from that tax cut, […]
Revolution Over? Draft Law Could Return Tunisia to a Police State
By Amna Guellali | ( Human Rights Watch) | – – Parliament Should Reject Abusive Security Bill Since the fall of the government of President Zine el-Abidine Ben Ali in 2011, Tunisia’s nascent democracy has made great strides. These include the adoption of a new constitution, greater media freedom, and free and democratic elections. These […]
Screwdriver Attack at Israeli Embassy in Jordan over Aqsa Mosque Tensions
By Juan Cole | (Informed Comment) | – – On Sunday in Amman, the capital of Jordan, two workers arrived at the Israeli Embassy in the tony Rabiyeh neighborhood. One of them attacked the Israeli security guard with a screwdriver, lightly injuring him. The guard appears to have shot his assailant. Somehow the building’s landlord […]
Not Winning in Afghanistan: Why?
By Solaiman M. Fazel | (Informed Comment) | – – Candidate Trump in his dynamic public rallies repeatedly criticized the former U.S. president for not winning anymore. Trump also mentioned, “If I’m president, we’ll win so much, you’ll get bored with winning.” Well it has now been a little over six months since the presidential […]
After ISIL Defeat in Mosul, Camps or Rehabilitation for Families?
Nawzat Shamdeen | (Mosul) | ( | – – Locals in Mosul are divided on whether to rehabilitate, reconcile or punish the families of Islamic State members. Meanwhile rumour has it that secret detention camps are already being set up. “The families of the Islamic State are more dangerous than the members of the Islamic […]