By John Feffer | ( Foreign Policy in Focus) | – – Progressive Jewish groups are rising to criticize the Israeli occupation and fight fundamentalism in both Israel and the West. In the TV show Transparent, the Pfeffermans are an infuriating family. Mort, the patriarch, is transitioning to Maura, and much of the focus of […]
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Archives for 2017
Top Five Rogues Pardoned by Presidents; will Trump try to be 6th?
By Juan Cole |. (Informed Comment) | – – Trump has been tweeting again, this time about his unlimited ability to pardon people according to the Constitution. That part is correct. He seems to be talking about pardoning himself, though, which the Constitution does not allow him to do. Also, what is he guilty about […]
If we don’t Dump Fossil Fuels *Now*, we’re Sticking our Kids with $530 Trillion in Debt
By James Dyke | (The Conversation) | – – By continuing to delay significant reductions in greenhouse gas emissions, we risk handing young people alive today a bill of up to US$535 trillion. This would be the cost of the “negative emissions” technologies required to remove CO₂ from the air in order to avoid dangerous […]
Speculation Mounts of Splits in Trump’s Ranks as Spicer Quits
TeleSur | – – The U.S. President’s legal team is also undergoing a shake-up. Sean Spicer, the controversial White House press secretary, has resigned and will be replaced by his former deputy, Sarah Huckabee Sanders. Spicer is said to have quit after denouncing chaos in the West Wing and telling the U.S. President Donald Trump […]
Even Major Oil State UAE running for Exits toward Green Energy
By Rabiya Jaffery | (Inter Press Service) | – – ABU DHABI (IPS) – Much of the world is moving away from oil for its electricity generation, according to the International Energy Agency (IEA), which says that globally the fossil fuel has dropped from a 25 percent share to 3.6 percent over the last four […]
How our Intel Agencies Screwed us by Letting Sessions, Trumpies get away with Russia Scheme
By Juan Cole | (Informed Comment) | – – Adam Entous, Ellen Nakashima and Greg Miller at WaPo report from a US intelligence source that former Russian ambassador to the US, Sergei Kislyak, told Moscow that he had discussed campaign-related matters with Jeff Sessions twice in the summer of 2016. This revelation directly contradicts Sessions’ […]
Can Trump use the presidential pardon to thwart the Russia investigations?
By Austin Sarat | (The Conversation) | – – Speculation is mounting that President Donald Trump could issue a pardon to members of his family and close associates who are suspected of colluding with Russia in the 2016 campaign. Sen. Mark Warner, the top Democrat on the Senate Intelligence Committee, recently cautioned about “the possibility […]
Don’t worry, Trump: Chinese firm provides U.S. coal miners w/ wind energy jobs
CGTN | (Video News Report) | – – “For years, coal and oil and gas have been Wyoming’s bedrock. 40% of U.S. coal is still produced in the state but the industry is in decline. 1,000 coal jobs have been lost here in the past few years. But now, wind energy is making its presence […]
The U.S. Empire is ‘Fraying’ and ‘Collapsing’: Pentagon Study
TeleSur | – – Report says Washington should consider the “post-primacy” milieu as a “wakeup call”. A study by the Pentagon, “At Our Own Peril: DoD Risk Assessment in a Post-Primacy World” says the US framework of international order that was established after the Second World Wat is “fraying” and “collapsing”. “While the United States […]