Cenk Uygur | (The Young Turks Video Report) | – – “Republicans want to privatize, cut, and eventually kill Medicare. Cenk Uygur, host of The Young Turks, breaks it down. “If House Speaker Paul Ryan has his way, the 115th Congress won’t just repeal Obamacare, it will dramatically reform Medicare, turning the program into a […]
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Archives for 2017
Donald Trump and the Invisible Monster of Climate Change
John Feffer. | ( Tomdispatch.com ) | – – Once upon a time, long, long ago, I testified before the great assembly of our land. When I describe this event to children today, it really does sound to them like a fairy tale. Once upon a time — a time before the world splintered into […]
Unpopular: Trump’s low Polls one reason for Healthcare Defeat
By Juan Cole | (Informed Comment) | – – For now, the second GOP attempt to replace Obamacare with Trumpcare has failed, with two more senators defecting (one saying the bill does not go far enough in getting rid of Obamacare.) There are lots of reasons for the failure of Trumpcare 2.0. A big one […]
The Dangerous Unreality of Trumpland rests on a Totalitarian Foundation
By Dan Dinello | (Informed Comment) | – – Like the Black Lodge in David Lynch’s revival of Twin Peaks, reality is twisted into strange, absurd forms in the world of Trump. He tirelessly assaults common sense with exaggerations, blatant lies, insulting tweets, and willful ignorance. Though his chip-off-the-old-liar son Donald Jr. got caught red-handed […]
What impact will Saudi-Qatar Struggle have on Palestinians?
By Israa Khater | ( OpenDemocracy.org ) | – – No conflict in the Middle East spares the Palestinians, and the recent crisis in the GCC is no exception. Following the escalation of the GCC crisis and the deteriorating relationship between Qatar and the Gulf Triad (Saudi Arabia, the UAE and Bahrain), along with Egypt, […]
Russia: Assault on Freedom of Expression
Human Rights Watch | – – Repressive Laws and Policies Restrict Online Speech, Stifle Critical Voices (Moscow) – Russia has introduced significant restrictions to online speech and invasive surveillance of online activity and prosecutes critics under the guise of fighting extremism, Human Rights Watch said in a report released today. The 83-page report, “Online and […]
Did UAE plant Fake News about Qatar to Fool Trump?
By Juan Cole | (Informed Comment) | – – The intrepid Karen DeYoung and Ellen Nakashima report at WaPo that anonymous US intelligence officials have decided to go public with what they know about the attempt of the United Arab Emirates (UAE) to frame Qatar. The hacking attack on May 23 that planted fake news, […]
Turkey’s Emboldened Opposition
By Sinan Ülgen | (Project Syndicate) | – – ISTANBUL – In Turkey, where President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan’s government has been working to centralize political power, opposition parties have lately had few reasons to be optimistic. This month’s massive rally in Istanbul was a rare exception. On July 9, after walking for 25 days from […]
In Int’l Diplomacy, Does Trump know the Art of the Deal?
By John Feffer | ( Foreign Policy in Focus) | – – From North Korea to Russia to the Middle East, there’s no shortage of deal-making needed. But beware the fine print of anything with Trump’s insignia. American beef is now available in China — as a result of a deal that Donald Trump made […]