TeleSur | – – “We are seeing the impact of the Trump administration’s words and policy and actions that slams the door on refugees,” says Oxfam America. The United States has accepted only 11 Syrian refugees so far this year, human rights organizations announced Saturday, just hours after President Donald Trump ordered airstrikes against strategic […]
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Archives for 2018
The Tragedy of American Great Power Moves on the Middle East: Trump Can, so he Will
By Mohammed Nuruzzaman | (Informed Comment) | – – As assumed, the US, the UK and France launched their coordinated airstrikes on Syria in the early hours of Saturday, April 14 to punish the Bashar Al-Assad government’s alleged chemical attacks on the rebel fighters in Douma, a city close to Damascus. Russia’s counter-threats to shoot […]
Iraq on Syria Strikes: We’ve seen this Movie and it doesn’t End Well
By Juan Cole | (Informed Comment) | – – Iraq’s foreign ministry came out strongly against the US, British and French missile strikes on Syria. In a statement issued Saturday, the ministry called the attacks “an extremely dangerous step”that could result in a weakening of regional security. Spokesman Ahmad Mahjub said, “The ministry underlines the […]
How the CIA’s secret torture program sparked a citizen-led public reckoning in North Carolina
By Alexandra Moore | (The Conversation) | – – President Donald Trump’s nominee for CIA director, Gina Haspel, is reported to have overseen a U.S. site in Thailand where torture of a suspected terrorist took place. Later she allegedly helped destroy evidence of torture. Her nomination, pending congressional approval, is viewed by many as further […]
Sweden’s new Carbon Tax on Air Travel aims helping Environment
By Valéry Laramée de Tannenberg | | translated by Freya Kirk | – – Sweden has introduced a new carbon tax. From 1 April, all passengers boarding a flight departing from Sweden will be charged extra fees. EURACTIV’s partner le Journal de l’environnement reports. From 1 April, passengers boarding a flight departing from Swedish […]
2 Dead, 30 wounded: Israeli troops again Fire on Peaceful Palestinian Protesters at Gaza Border
TeleSur | – – “I have no fear of dying because there is no life in Gaza,” one Palestinian told AFP. As Friday protests resumed near the border fence between Gaza and Israel, occupation forces opened fire injuring at least 30 more Palestinians and killing two. Mohammed Hamada Hijila, 36, was killed in an airstrike […]
Reality Show violence in the Age of Trump: Striking Syria
By Juan Cole | (Informed Comment) | – – President Trump along with allies British prime minister Theresa May and French president Emannuel Macron struck Syria on Friday evening. It was not a piece of military strategy designed to win any war aims. It will have no effect on the situation in Syria at all. […]
Russia, Iran and Syria respond to Trump’s Threats
By Juan Cole | (Informed Comment) | – – The UK-based Arabic language daily, al-Arabi al-Jadid (a secular, left-leaning newspaper helmed by Azmi Bishara from Qatar) reports on the responses of Syria and its allies to sabre-rattling from Trump and from the UK and France. A key advisor to Ali Khamenei, Iran’s clerical leader, is […]
Syria: would a new foreign military intervention be legal?
By James Sweeney | (The Conversation) | – – Just days after an alleged chemical attack killed and injured scores of civilians in Douma, Syria, the US, UK and France agreed in principle that international action is needed to hold the perpetrators to account. But they didn’t make clear what form their action would take […]