TeleSur | – – The spill gave further ammunition to environmental groups and other U.S. opponents of another pipeline the company has proposed, the long-delayed Keystone XL. The Keystone crude oil pipeline leak in November in rural South Dakota was nearly double the original estimate, making it one of the largest U.S. inland spills since […]
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Archives for 2018
Syrian Regime kills dozens in Chem attack on Douma Holdout Enclave: Why?
By Juan Cole | (Informed Comment) | – – The Saudi-backed fundamentalist militia “Army of Islam” in the Douma district of East Ghouta near Damascus alleged Sunday that the al-Assad regime had dropped a barrel bomb full of chlorine and other chemicals on the rebel enclave on Saturday. Initial reports said that some 41, including […]
Geographical Warfare?: Saudi plans to make Qatar an Island
By Daniel Martin Varisco | (MENA Tidningen) | – – On June 5, 2016 Saudi Arabia, the UAE and Bahrain began a boycott of its Gulf neighbor Qatar, the richest country in the world, cutting off land and air travel over their space. No doubt the same countries that had launched a war against Yemen […]
Kurds of Afrin looted by Turkey-backed Arab Militias, as Syria blocks Kurdish Exodus
Human Rights Watch | – – Turkish-Allied Groups Loot, Destroy People’s Property (Beirut) – Syrian government forces are blocking some civilians fleeing the Turkish-led military actions in Afrin from entering territory under government control, Human Rights Watch said today. The civilians are stranded in areas with limited food, clean water, and medical supplies. Syrian government […]
Israeli Snipers assassinate one Palestinian Journalist, Wound 3 others
TeleSur | – – The Great March of Return began on March 30th and will continue until May 15. A Palestinian journalist covering the Great March of Return in Gaza died Saturday after being wounded by live Israeli ammunition Friday. Yaser Murtaja, a 30-year-old cameraman with Ain Media, became the 29th Palestinian killed in protests […]
Psychopathocracy Matures: Trump asks why CIA did not Massacre family of Militant with Drone
By Juan Cole | (Informed Comment) | – – Greg Jaffe at the Washington Post reports that Trump has reversed an Obama-era push to get the Central Intelligence Agency out of the business of assassinating people with drone strikes (Obama had tried to shift most such operations to the Department of Defense). In the course […]
Solar is taking over the World and China is taking over Solar
By Frédéric Simon | | – – Solar power dominated a global ranking of new renewable energy investments “like never before” last year, with China accounting for more than half of the world’s new capacity, the UN said on Thursday (5 April). Investments in Europe, on the other hand, recorded a massive drop. The […]
Peaceful Protest: More Palestinians Killed, Injured on Day of the Burning Tires
Ma’an News Agency | – – GAZA CITY (Ma’an) — A second Palestinian protester was shot and killed by Israeli forces along the Gaza border, the Palestinian Ministry of Health confirmed around 4:30 p.m. The slain Palestinian was identified as Majdi Ramadan Shabat. He was killed in demonstrations taking place east of Gaza City, in […]
Israeli occupation denying Palestinians ‘right to development’ says new UN study
Middle East Monitor | – – Decades of Israeli occupation and appropriation of land and resources has denied the Palestinian people the right to development, a new study by the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) has found. The report, ‘The Economic Costs of the Israeli Occupation for the Palestinian People and Their […]