You only get a golden oldie today. Here’s what I was writing 11 years ago; apparently I may as well have printed it out and buried it in my garden. Carbon dioxide emissions and methane emissions are both up substantially in 2019. McCain is arguing for offshore drilling to lower US petroleum prices in the […]
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Archives for 2019
Youth climate movement puts ethics at the center of the global debate
By Marion Hourdequin | – Even if you’ve never heard of Greta Thunberg, the 16-year-old Swedish environmentalist who crossed the Atlantic on a sailboat to attend a Sept. 23 United Nations summit on the climate, you may have heard about the student-led Global Climate Strike she helped inspire, planned for Friday, Sept. 20. Embed from […]
Pakistani Students, Activists are marching to combat Climate Crisis: “Can’t be Ignored”
By Atika Rehman | (The Third Pole) | – As students and climate activists get ready to march for the climate in Pakistan, Atika Rehman finds out why Pakistanis find it impossible to ignore climate change impacts any longer University students in Karachi [image courtesy: FridaysForFuture Pakistan] Does the Pakistani public care about the climate […]
Trump again Tries to Get Ilhan Omar Killed à la Heather Heyer with Lies about Dancing on 9/11
Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) – One of the “very fine people” Trump praised at the Charlottesville riot by Nazis and Klansmen rammed his car into a crowd of counter-protesters (i.e. ordinary people) and killed Heather Heyer on August 12, 2017. Trump appears to be angling for one of his Volk to do the same thing […]
In Israel’s Aggressive Colonization of Palestinians, Turkey has a Say
By Dr Adnan Abu Amer | @adnanabuamer1 | – Recent weeks have witnessed a series of developments in Palestine that have produced mixed reactions in Turkey and Israel. Their relationship is back to the level of tension prevalent in the wake of the Israeli attack on the Mavi Marmara flotilla in 2010. The most recent […]
What Israel’s Inconclusive Elections and Gridlock Means for Palestinians and the Mideast
By Martin Beck | – With no clear winner in September’s Israeli elections, both the incumbent prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, and his only serious contender, Benny Gantz, will now set about trying to form a governing coalition. Both are tarnished by the result. Contrary to elections held in April when Netanyahu’s right-wing party, Likud, and […]
Why did Trump’s Negotiations with the Taliban Fail?
By Hizbullah Khan | – (Informed Comment) – US President Donald Trump has decided to cancel a secret meeting at Camp David with the Taliban and called the peace talks “dead” immediately after the consensus had made on a draft deal. The Taliban has mounted violence as Trump announced the withdrawal of US troops from […]
Palestinian-Israeli Joint List Gains Seats, as Netanyahu’s Demonization Backfires
Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) – Binyamin Netanyahu appears to have fallen short in his quest for a majority of 61 in the 120-seat Israeli parliament or Knesset. As I write, his far-right Likud Party is tied 32 to 32 with its center-right rival, Blue and White. Netanyahu campaigned frenetically and acted a little unbalanced during […]
Glowing Review of Cole’s “Muhammad: Prophet of Peace” in “American Diplomacy”
Career foreign service officer, Benjamin Tua, who served in Brazil, Japan and Muslim-majority countries such as Kyrgyzstan, reviews my new book Muhammad: Prophet of Peace amid the Clash of Empires for American Diplomacy. Tua writes, that it “is perfect for the reader who knows little about Mohammad’s life and origins as a member of a […]