By Patrick A. Stewart | – As the Democratic Party continues to winnow its field of candidates to challenge President Donald Trump, it’s important to remember that the way candidates are covered on TV can influence public opinion. That’s become increasingly apparent in today’s media landscape, with several candidates jockeying for coverage during their party’s […]
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Archives for 2019
Israel caught by FBI electronically Spying on Trump, White House
Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) – Daniel Lipmann at Politico dropped the bombshell that mysterious electronic spying devices placed throughout Washington, D.C. and close to the White House and the Capitol were traced by the FBI to Israel. The Israelis deployed StingRay mobile identity-catchers, devices that are mistaken for cell towers by cell phones, allowing them […]
Trump v. Climate Emergency: A Formula for Catastrophe in the Arctic
By Michael T. Klare | – Donald Trump got the headlines as usual — but don’t be fooled. It wasn’t Trumpism in action this August, but what we should all now start referring to as the Pompeo Doctrine. Yes, I’m referring to Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and, when it comes to the Arctic region, […]
Netanyahu Openly Boasts About Stealing vast Swathes of Palestine, but US Pols Won’t Acknowledge It
Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) – Beleaguered Israeli prime minister Binyamin Netanyahu is under serious corruption charges and is not assured of winning the upcoming election. So he engaged in grandstanding, saying that if he was reelected he would usurp the the Jordan valley and other parts of Palestine where Israeli squatters had already been sent […]
What John Bolton’s exit reveals about Donald Trump’s foreign policy priorities
By Steven Hurst | – Everyone who works in the Trump White House eventually outstays their welcome and John Bolton was no different. In a series of tweets on September 10, Donald Trump announced he’d fired his national security advisor – although Bolton insisted he’d offered his own resignation the day before. The immediate catalyst […]
Iraq: The Middle East’s new battle front between Israel and Iran
By Stasa Salacanin | – In the last two months, several unexplained explosions occurred in Iraq, significantly damaging ammunition warehouses and weapons storage sites. All targets have been associated with Iranian-backed Population Mobilisation Forces (PMF), suggesting that explosions could not be a mere coincidence as they were probably caused by precision air strikes. Though no […]
Just Do It! Debating How Much Time We Have to Avert Climate Disaster is a Waste of Time
By Arn Menconi | Special to Consortium News | – The UN’s warnings are dire, but they are still likely overestimating the time we have to act, writes Arn Menconi. Megafires in Canada’s Northwest Territories in 2014 scorched more than 7 million acres of forest, releasing half as much carbon back into the atmosphere as […]
As Algeria Democracy Protests Continue for 29th Week, will “The Power” Strike Back?
( – Last Friday, for the 29th week in succession, demonstrators took to the streets of Algiers. It’s now five months since they achieved their initial goal – triggering the resignation of President Abdelaziz Bouteflika after more than 20 years in power – but their demands go far beyond that. They want a complete overhaul […]
Reflections on “Peace” in Afghanistan; Leaving a Misguided War and Choosing Not to Look Back
( – When the conflict that the Vietnamese refer to as the American War ended in April 1975, I was a U.S. Army captain attending a course at Fort Knox, Kentucky. In those days, the student body at any of our Army’s myriad schools typically included officers from the Army of the Republic of […]