By Zsuzsanna Csereklyei | – Wholesale prices in the National Electricity Market have climbed significantly in recent years. The increase has coincided with a rapid increase in the proportion of electricity supplied by wind and solar generators. But that needn’t mean the increase in wind and solar generation caused the increase in prices. It might […]
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Archives for 2019
It isn’t just the Racism: Trump’s Stupid Trade Wars have Driven US Manufacturing into Recession
Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) – It’s official. Trump has put US manufacturing, which is about 14% of the US gross national product, into recession, according to AFP. Recession is defined as two consecutive quarters of decline. The recession in manufacturing has many reasons, including a cyclical slowdown in the Chinese economy. But on top of […]
Israel and the End of Palestinian Childhood
By Nabil Al-Sahli | – The Israeli occupation authorities have transformed the images of joy, play and education that should be the norm for Palestinian children into a shocking number of violations committed by the army against them in the West Bank and Gaza Strip. Around 1.3 million Palestinian children in the West Bank are […]
How the Military-Industrial Complex Ate America
( ) – When, in his farewell address in 1961, President Dwight D. Eisenhower warned of the dangers of the “unwarranted influence” wielded by the “military-industrial complex,” he could never have dreamed of an arms-making corporation of the size and political clout of Lockheed Martin. In a good year, it now receives up to […]
Afghans are Caught between US Civil Law & Taliban Sharia: How can they get Justice?
By Ali Wardak | – Getting justice in Afghanistan is a complicated business. Two main justice systems – state laws based on the civil law tradition and Islamic jurisprudence – combine with non-state institutions, such as traditional village jirgas (circles) or shuras (councils), to resolve local disputes and deal with offences. Tribal members in a […]
Top 4 Ways the Squad of young Congresswomen represent more Americans than Trump
Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) – Trump is again making a spectacle of himself, quite deliberately, in attacking the four congresswomen known as “the Squad.” They champion progressive principles like the Green New Deal, describe themselves as socialists or don’t object to the term, and most useful for our neo-Nazi president, they are not white. Trump […]
As United Arab Emirates pulls out of Brutal Yemen War, is it now Saudi Arabia ‘s?
By Thembisa Fakude | Twitter: @fakudet | – The war in Yemen is entering its fifth year with no solution in sight. Every day thousands of people, including women and children, are injured and maimed. According to Amnesty International, “there is extensive evidence that irresponsible arms flows to the Saudi Arabia-led coalition have resulted in […]
3 Years Ago, the UN made a Database of Companies Facilitating Illegal Israel Squatting In Palestine: Where is It?
Human Rights Watch —– Bonus video added by Informed Comment: i24 News: “Amnesty International Calls for Settlements Tourism Boycott”
Palestine: If Kushner only Knew . . .
By Dominique Eddé | – ( L’Orient Le Jour) – Had Mr Kushner taken the trouble to consider all the losses, the shattered lives, separations and humiliating defeats endured by the Palestinians, had he made any attempt to gauge the price paid by Palestine’s neighbours – Lebanon, Syria, Jordan and Egypt – over the last […]