By David Bromwich | – ( – More and more, we look into our screens and gizmos. And this helps us — almost as if they were made for that purpose — not to think about the weather outside. Kept busy “curating” our own lives, we are regularly spared evidence of the coming catastrophe. Long […]
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Archives for 2019
Is Jared Kushner Literally in Bed with the Saudis?
The Guardian’s Jon Swain broke the story on Monday that Cadre, a real estate investment firm in which Jared Kushner has as much as a $50 million stake, has received a mysterious $90 million infusion of cash from unknown and possibly foreign sources. At least $1 million came in from Saudi Arabia, according to Swain. […]
Fake Newsman: Anti-Iran Forbes “Writer” is a People’s Jihadi Front (TYT Video)
“Heshmat Alavi” who has published anti-Iran screeds in Forbes, the Daily Caller and other substandard rightwing venues, does not, according to The Intercept, actually exist. The name is a front propaganda efforts of the People’s Jihadis (Mojahedin-e Khalq or MEK). The MEK has committed numerous acts of terrorism in Iran and then collaborated with Iraqi […]
Trump’s incessant Talk of Mexico Tariffs is about White Nationalism, not Trade
By Laura Carlsen | – (FPIF) – There’s nothing “uncontrollable” about people applying for asylum. All the U.S. has to do is meet its obligations under international law. Donald Trump has once again torpedoed the U.S. relationship with Mexico — its third-largest trade partner, closest neighbor and, actually, an ally — by announcing his decision […]
Very Early Muslim Piety toward the Prophet Muhammad: Blessings and Intercession
The great scholar Annemarie Schimmel quoted Arthur Jeffrey, the Australian scholar of Islam, to this effect: “Many years ago . . . the late Shaikh Mustafa al-Maraghi remarked on a visit to his friend, the Anglican bishop in Egypt, that the commonest cause of offence, generally unwitting offence, given by Christians to Muslims, arose from […]
In War-Torn Yemen a Mother and 6 Newborns Die every Two Hours during Labor
The United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) stated that “every two hours, a mother and six newborns die in Yemen due to complications in pregnancy or childbirth.” The data was included in a report issued by the organisation, Monday. UNICEF explained that “the years of war in Yemen have led to worsening the condition of women […]
Bipartisan move in Congress to Cancel Trump’s Stealth $8 bn Arms sale to Saudis
Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) – Dan De Luce at NBC News reports on a bipartisan attempt in Congress to block Trump’s sidelining of the legislature in fast-tracking an $8 bn arms sale to Saudi Arabia that includes components useful in building ballistic missiles. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo justified the step on the grounds of […]
After Immigration, Europe’s Next Big Left-Right Divide is Climate Action
By Rachel Waldholz | – ( Clean Energy Wire) – The European elections delivered major gains for Green parties in several countries, as voters signalled a strong desire for more aggressive action on climate change. In Germany, the Green surge was especially strong. The party doubled its support, coming in second to Chancellor Angela Merkel’s […]
As Trump Supports Israel’s West Bank Annexation, Lawmakers and Rights Advocates Condemn Plan to Commit ‘War Crime’
By Julia Conley | ( – “That is not the path to peace, that is the road to an endless conflict.” A top Trump administration official signaled Saturday that the U.S. would welcome Israel’s reported plan to break international law by annexing parts of the West Bank, angering advocates for Palestinian rights. U.S. Ambassador to […]