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Archives for 2020
Modly and Esper Should have followed Capt. Crozier’s Lead in Blowing Whistle on Trump Coronavirus inaction rather than Firing Him
Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) – Capt. Brett Crozier of the USS Theodore Roosevelt is a national hero, as his crew recognized when they cheered uproariously as he left his ship for the last time. Crozier had provoked the Navy to let the crew of 5,000 debark at Guam. Some 100 of them tested positive for […]
Amid Coronavirus Fears, Israel tells Palestinian prisoners, ‘Use your socks to make masks,’ as neglect continues
( Middle East Monitor ) – Within the next few days, Palestinian prisoners held by Israel may be hit by the coronavirus pandemic, causing major unrest in the prisons. This is the reality facing prison staff and their prisoners at a time when governments around the world and international organisations are trying to overcome the […]
Jared Kushner, With No Government Background, Scolds States for Requesting Supplies From National Equipment Stockpile
By Julia Conley, staff writer | – (Commondreams.org) – Progressives expressed shock at the Trump administration’s latest indication that it intends to provide little assistance to states where thousands of people have contracted the coronavirus, after Jared Kushner, senior advisor and son-in-law to President Donald Trump, made his first appearance as a key member of […]
While we fixate on coronavirus, Earth is hurtling towards a catastrophe worse than the dinosaur extinction
By Andrew Glikson | – At several points in the history of our planet, increasing amounts of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere have caused extreme global warming, prompting the majority of species on Earth to die out. In the past, these events were triggered by a huge volcanic eruption or asteroid impact. Now, Earth is […]
Witness to History: Early Muslim Rock Inscriptions Speak of 769 A.D. Epidemic in Medina
Saudi epigraphist Mohammed Almaghthawi (@mohammed93athar) has published some rock inscriptions from around Medina in western Arabia that are dated to 769, which speak of an epidemic outbreak in that year. This outbreak is otherwise unknown to historians. The inscriptions ask God to deliver them from this calamity, and clearly take pride in the city of […]
Coronavirus and Georgia’s Kemp: How the GOP Stupidocracy will Kill us All
Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) – Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp, whose only advantage in life appears to be being a white male who has failed upward all his life, announced on Thursday that he was finally implementing a shelter-in-place order for his state of 10.5 million people. He said the reason for his about-face after two […]
Despite Covid-19 Dangers, Israel ignores Pleas to Safeguard the Health of Palestinian Prisoners (Many Uncharged) in its Jails
( Middle East Monitor ) – Unsurprisingly, Israel has not heeded requests to safeguard the health of Palestinian prisoners in its jails. Besides recommending “precautionary measures”, which are likely to provide no protection in confined spaces, it seems that Israel will persist with its medical neglect strategies, which have resulted in Palestinian prisoners dying. Yet […]
Germany marks first ever Quarter with more than 50 pct Renewable Electricity
By Rachel Waldholz | – ( Clean Energy Wire) – Germany produced more than half of its electricity with renewable power in the first three months of 2020, the first full quarter in which renewables covered the majority of the country’s electricity needs. The numbers were driven by record wind and high solar production in […]