By Kamel Hawwash | @kamelhawwash | – ( Middle East Monitor ) – If any country which claims to be a democracy, its potential prime minister declares that the votes of a significant minority are not part of the democratic ‘equation’, they would be rightly condemned as racists. That is exactly what Israel’s Benjamin Netanyahu […]
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Archives for 2020
In Ancient Greek Thought, Plagues Follow on Bad Leadership
By Joel Christensen | – In the fifth century B.C., the playwright Sophocles begins “Oedipus Tyrannos” with the title character struggling to identify the cause of a plague striking his city, Thebes. (Spoiler alert: It’s his own bad leadership.) As someone who writes about early Greek poetry, I spend a lot of time thinking about […]
Teachers with Macs: How to Film yourself Narrating your Powerpoint Presentation and Post it for Your Class
Update: The Macs don’t have a built in sound system that will work with the screen recording function in Quicktime, so it may be necessary to download Soundflower or the equivalent to make the below instructions work. If you still have trouble, I have found that Screenflick for Mac also works. You can just tell […]
Ghost of Soleimani: All Hell Breaks lose in Iraq, with 2 Americans, 1 Briton, Killed, as al-Sadr Blames Trump for Coronavirus
Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) – Tom O’Connor at Newsweek reports that 18 katyusha rockets slammed into al-Taji Air Base in Iraq on Wednesday, killing two Americans and one Briton, and leaving 12 other Coalition personnel injured. In response, US fighter jets conducted air strikes against the Haydariyun brigades of the Kata’ib Hizbullah, a Shiite Iraqi […]
Ending the Myth That Trump Is Ending Mideast Wars
By Khury Petersen-Smith | Trump has sent more new troops to the Middle East than he’s bringing home from Afghanistan. ( ) – There was this moment during the State of the Union Address that I can’t stop thinking about. When President Trump spoke to army wife Amy Wiliams during his speech and told her […]
Why is it only Suspicious when Iran Does it? Energy-Rich United Arab Emirates is about to open 4 Nuclear Reactors
By Paul Dorfman | – The United Arab Emirates (UAE) is building the world’s largest concentrated solar power plant, capable of generating 700 megawatts. During daylight, solar power will provide cheap electricity, and at night the UAE will use stored solar heat to generate electricity. But at the same time, four nuclear reactors are nearing […]
Accusing US of “Medical Terrorism,” Iran Demands Trump Lift Economic Blockade amid Coronavirus
By Jake Johnson, staff writer | – ( – Facing a humanitarian crisis with at least 9,000 coronavirus cases nationwide and a death toll of more than 350 people, Iranian officials on Wednesday demanded that the U.S. lift crippling … sanctions that Tehran says have hindered the government’s ability to respond effectively to the outbreak. […]
Netanyahu devastates Israeli Tourism with universal Quarantine to Avoid highlighting Trump Covid-19 Failures
Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) – The Trump administration has become well known for caring much more about how the coronavirus outbreak might make Trump look than about actually avoiding the pandemic. The Chinese quick quarantines last fall should have given the administration time to prepare, but its practical steps in mid-March of 2020 are still […]
Millions of Homeless Syrian Refugees are Suffering Because of Russo-Turkish Rivalry
Juline Beaujouan, University of Edinburgh and Amjed Rasheed, Durham University The Syrian province of Idlib, the remaining holdout of rebels fighting the regime of Bashar al-Assad, has experienced fierce fighting in recent months as the Syrian army, supported by Russia, has pushed to reclaim the territory. Meanwhile, the expansionist impulses of Turkish President Recep Tayyip […]