By Sean Spence | – In April 2020, the United Nation’s Secretary-General, António Guterres, addressed members of the Security Council by warning them that the COVID-19 pandemic could threaten global peace and security. If the health crisis was not managed effectively, he feared that its negative economic consequences, along with a mismanaged government response, would […]
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Archives for 2020
Big Oil’s Funeral: Pure Electric Car Purchases in Germany skyrocket 260%
By Sören Amelang | – ( Clean Energy Wire ) – A record number of car buyers in Germany have opted for electric vehicles in September. The number of new purely electric vehicles rose to 21,188 last month, an increase of 260 percent compared to a year ago, the country’s Federal Motor Transport Authority KBA […]
A clear Choice on Climate: Trump wants to Wreck the Planet; Biden has taken strides toward a Green Vision
Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) – Trump doesn’t get climate change or the ways to combat it. He is a greedy, venal person, and I presume he is encouraged in his obscurantism by some sort of business interest in the oil and gas industry, or backing by them with campaign dollars. Or perhaps he just, by […]
How Trump wiped the Palestinians off the Map
( Middle East Monitor ) – US Ambassador to Israel David Friedman has left no doubt about the rationale behind the recent normalisation agreements with Arab states, praised by the international community as an opportunity to kick-start negotiations about the two-state compromise. In the background, the UAE’s lauded diplomacy, which postponed the annexation process and […]
How much of Barack Obama’s legacy did Donald Trump Destroy?
By Clodagh Harrington and Alex Waddan | – Throughout Donald Trump’s first term in office, the US president has harked back to the Obama years. From blasting the “horrible” Iran nuclear deal to blaming Barack Obama’s administration for the “obsolete, broken system” that Trump claims has hindered the US response to the COVID-19 crisis, he’s […]
How Trump gathered us all into Dante’s Lowest Level of Hell, his Natural Home
( ) – For some time now, I’ve wanted to send Donald Trump to Hell. I mean this literally, not as a figure of speech. I want him to inhabit the palpable, sensory Hell that religions have long conjured up with scenes of sulfur, damnation, and screams of perpetual pain from those who once […]
Trumpie Wingnut DNI Ratcliffe hilariously blames Iran for pro-Trump Email Spoofs
Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) – I don’t know what it is about being in official Washington that degrades basic critical faculties. Like the Red Queen in Alice in Wonderland, they start saying, “Why, sometimes I’ve believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast.” The US Establishment believed that Iraq in 2002 was near to […]
The root problem of Today’s Economic Crisis in Palestine is not Covid-19, but Israel’s colonialism
( Middle East Monitor ) – The UN’s non-binding and generalised Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) have provided a diversion in current EU and Palestinian politics. On the brink of experiencing additional dispossession and forced displacement as the normalisation agreements between Israel and Gulf states open the door to more anti-Palestine diplomacy in the region, Palestinians […]
Can America survive the re-election of Donald Trump?
By Henry Giroux | – The 2020 presidential election may be one of the most significant and far-reaching events of the 21st century. The stakes almost defy comprehension — suggestive less of a competition over who will become the president of the United States, but whether people will vote to either retain the ideals and […]