By Derek Lief, University of Michigan | – (The Conversation) – Israeli protesters have been demonstrating against the Netanyahu government’s controversial efforts to radically overhaul the judicial system for nearly three months. And while the protests regularly bring out more than 100,000 people to the streets across Israel, few Arab faces have appeared among the […]
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Archives for 2023
Florida Legislature approves extreme 6-week Abortion Ban, after Weeks of Protests and Debates
By: Danielle J. Brown – In less than a year, Florida has moved from a 15-week abortion ban to the passage of one of the most restrictive bans in the nation — a 6-week abortion ban. The state House approved the legislation after at least six hours of questions, amendments, debate, protests and a […]
US Military: Losing Wars is making Recruitment Harder
By Nan Levinson ( ) – After more than 20 years of losing wars, recruiting for the U.S. Army is now officially a mess. Last year, that service fell short of its goal by 15,000 recruits, or a quarter of its target. Despite reports of better numbers in the first months of this year, Army […]
Peak Fossil Fuels? Wind, Solar advance 20% Globally, with World on Verge of CO2 Emissions Drop
Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) – The energy analysis firm Ember reports its latest findings about global energy trends, and it is relatively optimistic. Wind and solar had provided 10% of the world’s electricity in 2021, but that went up to 12% in 2022, a 20% increase. If we look at each source in its own […]
Israel’s Extremist Ben-Gvir slams ban on Squatters from Al-Aqsa until end of Ramadan
( Middle East Monitor ) – Israel’s far-right National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir slammed an Israeli government decision to ban non-Muslims, including illegal settlers, from entering the Al-Aqsa Mosque compound until the end of Ramadan, Army Radio reported. Dome of the Rock and al-Aqsa Mosque Ben-Gvir said that the decision to prevent settlers from entering […]
Arab Americans are a much more diverse Group than many of their Neighbors Mistakenly Assume
By Yasmin Moll, University of Michigan | – Marking April as Arab American Heritage Month – a time to learn about the history, culture and contributions of our nearly 4 million strong community – is gaining traction across the country. In 2022, Joe Biden made history as the first U.S. president to recognize the month, […]
How Israel’s Protests actually Assist Israeli State Propaganda
by Yoav Litvin ( Counterpunch) – Benjamin Netanyahu, in collaboration with Kahanist Itamar Ben-Gvir and a cohort of other fascists, has been executing a judicial coup which guts so-called Israeli democratic institutions and threatens liberal reforms. Many Israelis are infuriated. They’ve always viewed Israel as either part of Europe or the United States’ 51st state. […]
Scotland, aiming at 40 GW of Offshore Wind, has just installed the Deepest Fixed-bottom Wind Turbine in the World
Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) – The small country of Scotland, with a population of about 4.5 million, has forged ahead with renewable energy at a much faster pace and to greater effect than most other industrialized countries. Virtually all of its electricity consumption can now be met from wind, solar, or hydro, though because it […]
With its Attacks on Palestinian Worshipers, did Israel Unite Arabs and Muslims behind Them?
Dr Ramzy Baroud RamzyBaroud ( Middle East Monitor ) – By ordering a brutal attack against Palestinian worshippers inside Al-Aqsa Mosque on the 14th day of the Muslim holy month of Ramadan, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu knew very well that the Palestinians would retaliate. Netanyahu’s motive should be obvious. He wanted to divert […]