By Mojtaba Sadegh, Boise State University | – Over the past two decades, a staggering 21.8 million Americans found themselves living within 3 miles (5 kilometers) of a large wildfire. Most of those residents would have had to evacuate, and many would have been exposed to smoke and emotional trauma from the fire. Nearly 600,000 […]
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Archives for 2023
Electric Car Revolution: Tesla Sales up 83% Year on Year in Q2, as BYD does even better at 98% Surge
Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) – Tesla sales surged 83% in the second quarter compared to Q2 2022, and were up 10% over the first quarter. So reports Alan Ohnsmann at Forbes. And Benziga reports that the Chinese car maker BYD out produced Tesla in the first two quarters of this year, rolling out 1,255,637 new […]
Not so Pro-Life? As US Maternal Mortality Rates Surge, Idaho Abolishes Panel Investigating Deaths in Pregnancy
By: Natalie Schachar – ( Florida Phoenix ) – On July 1, Idaho becomes the only state without a legal requirement or specialized committee to review maternal deaths related to pregnancy. The change comes after state lawmakers, in the midst of a national upsurge in maternal deaths, decided not to extend a sunset date for […]
Global Heating and its Wildfires are Reshaping Canada’s Northern Forests and its Tundra
By Konrad Gajewski, University of Ottawa/ L’Université d’Ottawa | – (The Conversation) – Global warming is affecting the boreal forest — what happens will depend on the climate, vegetation and the frequency and intensity of wildfires. Changes in the north include increases or decreases in leaf growth, called Arctic greening and browning, more extensive growth […]
How the Personal Becomes Political: Or, You CAN fight City Hall
By Beverly Gologorsky [TomDispatch and StatORec Literary Journal are sharing the publication of this article.] ( – Looking into the long reflecting pool of the past, I find myself wondering what it was that made me an activist against injustice. I was born in New York City’s poor, rundown, and at times dangerous South […]
Will US-Iran talks in Oman allow the two Countries to avoid War?
Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) – Late in 2022, the Biden administration announced that it had given upon on negotiating a restoration of the 2015 Iran nuclear deal (the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action or JCPOA), which Donald Trump destroyed in May 2018 by ripping it up and slapping what amounts to a financial and trade […]
Palestinians battle for their homes in East Jerusalem
Written byMariam A. Al Aqsa Mosque can be seen from East Jerusalem, where families constantly face the threat of forced eviction by Israeli settler groups supported by the State. Picture by Free Jerusalem. used with permission. ( ) – The Ghaith family, living in Jerusalem’s Muslim Quarter since 1945, has been […]
We Need to Decarbonize our Electricity, and Quickly — the Good News is that Green Energy is Practical and Brings Economic Benefits
By John Quiggin, The University of Queensland | – We use energy in everything we do, but few of us understand it properly. Much of the time this doesn’t matter. We can flick a light switch or turn the ignition key in a car, knowing the technology will work whether we understand it or not. […]
How Contractor CEOs get Rich off Taxpayers
By Sam Pizzigati | ( ) – Does anyone have a sweeter deal than military contractor CEOs? The United States spent more last year on defense than the next 10 nations combined. A deal just brokered by the White House and House Republicans increases that amount even further — to $886 billion. Defense contractors […]