Even if Trump manages to end the war in Afghanistan, he’s fueling other wars that will be even more devastating.
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This is how America’s Afghanistan War ends– Not with a Bang but with a Mess
( Tomdispatch.com ) – Could Donald Trump end the Afghan war someday? I don’t know if such a possibility has been on your mind, but it’s certainly been on the mind of this retired U.S. Army major who fought in that land so long ago. And here’s the context in which I’ve been thinking about […]
Afghans are Caught between US Civil Law & Taliban Sharia: How can they get Justice?
By Ali Wardak | – Getting justice in Afghanistan is a complicated business. Two main justice systems – state laws based on the civil law tradition and Islamic jurisprudence – combine with non-state institutions, such as traditional village jirgas (circles) or shuras (councils), to resolve local disputes and deal with offences. Tribal members in a […]
Once Again Pompeo Displays Hopeless Ignorance of Sunni & Shiite, Iran and Taliban
Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) – The Washington Post reports that when US Secretary of State “Benghazi Mike” Pompeo gave his breathless news conference last Thursday to finger Iran for the oil tanker explosions in the Gulf of Oman, he indicted Iran for another act of violence at the same time. Mary Papenfus at HuffPo notes […]
Trump & Taliban Close to Deal on US Withdrawal, but Risk of Free For All
Trump decided last month to pull half of the 14,000-strong force from Afghanistan
With US Troop Pull-Out, Afghans Fear Return to Taliban Era
President Ghani said last month nearly 30,000 Afghan security forces had been killed since the start of 2015
Parade! How Trump Redefined Victory in Afghanistan as “Attacking our Enemies”
New York (Tomdispatch.com) – 4,000,000,029,057. Remember that number. It’s going to come up again later. But let’s begin with another number entirely: 145,000 — as in, 145,000 uniformed soldiers striding down Washington’s Pennsylvania Avenue. That’s the number of troops who marched down that very street in May 1865 after the United States defeated the Confederate […]
Afghanistan: Taliban Advances Cast Doubt on Trump’s Double-Down Policy
By Thomas WATKINS | – Washington (AFP) – A year since President Donald Trump unveiled his strategy for Afghanistan, a fresh wave of violence and bloodshed has assailed the war-torn nation and overshadowed some small glimmers of progress. Each successful attack represents a massive setback not just for the Afghanistan government, which is pushing for […]
If US Special Ops are Winning War on Terror, why have they lost 1/2 of Afghanistan?
New York (Tomdispatch.com) – A U.S. drone strike in Yemen. (I could be talking about 2002 or 2018.) Missions by Green Berets in Iraq. (I could be talking about 2003 or 2018.) While so much about the War on Terror turned Global War on Terrorism turned World War IV turned the Long War turned “generational […]