19 The day when I down shots one after one and with total delight become falling down drunk, I’ll work a hundred miracles on every front and from that fiery personality my words will flow like water Translated by Juan Cole From Whinfield 19
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Omar Khayyam
Omar Khayyam (41)
When I am sober, I don’t feel lighthearted; but when I’m drunk my reason is defective. There is a state between being tipsy and clearheaded. I’m a slave to that state because that is life. Translated by Juan Cole from Whinfield 41
Omar Khayyam (39)
If a stranger proves faithful, I adopt him into the family. But if a relative sins, I take a dim view of him. If poison proves helpful, it is actually an antidote, and if an antidote attacks me, it is really a toxic sting. Translated by Juan Cole from Whinfield 39
Omar Khayyam (36)
I can’t reveal the mystery to either saint or sinner; I can’t state at length what I’ve said curtly; I achieve an altered state that I can’t explain; I have a secret that I cannot share. Translated by Juan Cole from Whinfield 36.
Omar Khayyam (34)
Pagan temples and mosques are all houses of worship. Ringing church bells are hymns of worship. The sacred thread of the Parsee, the synagogue, the rosary and the crucifix– in reality, all are tokens of servitude to God. Translated by Juan Cole from Whinfield 34.
Omar Khayyam (33)
Night and day preceded you and me. The vault of the sky revolved upon some work. Be careful to tread lightly on the earth– you’re walking on people who used to be someone’s lover. Translated by Juan Cole from Whinfield 33.
Omar Khayyam (31)
Don’t try every door because of some bauble; you just have to accept the good and bad of your time; a shake of the cup and a toss of the dice– whatever comes up, you’ll just have to play it. Translated by Juan Cole from Whinfield 31 .
Omar Khayyam (5)
Get up and come here for the sake of my heart, and lend your beauty to solving my problem. Bring an earthenware cup full of wine for us to drink, –quick before we’re clay in the ground that they quarry to make cups. translated by Juan Cole from Whinfield 5
Omar Khayyam (30)
Your hand can seize today, but not tomorrow; and thoughts of your tomorrow are nothing but desire. Don’t waste this breath, if your heart isn’t crazy, since ‘the rest of your life’ won’t last forever. trans. Juan Cole from Whinfield 30