(By Scott Huver) BAM! POW! ZAP!: The ‘Winter Soldier’ Screenwriters Dish About Their Story Decisions and Cap’s Future (via Fandango Movie Blog) By: Scott Huver on April 11, 2014 at 3:01PM If you’ve seen Captain America: The Winter Soldier, prepare yourself for a SPOILER-LOADED look at the creative decisions and tempting sequel possibilities faced by screenwriters […]
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Popular Culture
CBS Taps Colbert To Replace Letterman, Limbaugh Bursts Into Flames
This could be the single event that our grandchildren — well, the privileged ones who know how to read and have access to e-books and such — will know as the straw that broke the left wing’s back. No less of a historian than Rush Limbaugh declared…
Katy Perry’s “Dark Horse” video Decried as Blasphemous by Some Muslims
Katy Perry’s “Dark Horse” music video, set in ancient Egypt, has stirred controversy because of a scene where a man is struck down who is wearing a pendant with “God” (Allah) written on it in Arabic. An online petition decries it as blasphemous. Cenk Uygur of the Young Turks points out that in ancient Egypt […]
A-Pop & Hip-Hop: “Wild Ones” – Myriam Fares and Flo Rida
“Wild Ones” by Myriam Fares & Flo Rida Last summer American rapper Tramar Lacel Dillard a.k.a. Flo Rida reprised his 2011 hit with Sia, “Wild Ones” with Lebanese pop star Myriam Fares singing Arabic lyrics as a counterpoint to his English-language rapping. Since Fares is singing an Arabic melody, which has different harmonics than the […]
Daily Show on al-Qaeda & Syria Part Deux: That’s not how Bin Laden would have Killed Them
This part of the piece has the clip of my interview on the subject at Aljazeera America. Here is the second part of the Jon Stewart piece on the break between al-Qaeda and its former affiliate, the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL). The Daily Show Get More: Daily Show Full Episodes,The Daily […]
Sochi Opening Ceremony Fireworks
AFP footage of “Dazzling fireworks conclude Sochi opening ceremony”
Ms. Marvel Comics a lightning Rod for Islamophobic Intolerance
(By A. David Lewis for IslamiCommentary) A. David Lewis Kamala Khan is not the first Muslim superhero. She’s neither the first American Muslim superhero, the first teenage Muslim superhero, nor the first Muslima superheroine. In fact, even as the all-new Ms. Marvel, Kamala is not the first Muslim character to inherit the mantle and legacy […]
Egyptian Military Junta Jumps the Shark, Interrogates Islamist Muppet
(By Juan Cole) When the venerable al-Ahram newspaper, then under the control of the government of Hosni Mubarak, published the allegation during the 2011 revolution that the crowds were just coming down to Tahrir Square for KFC chicken, it was the beginning of the end of the Mubarak establishment. It might have survived being repressive, […]
From Tahrir to New Orleans: Hope has not Failed, it has only Begun
(By Rebecca Solnit) Hope, History, and UnpredictabilityBy Rebecca Solnit North American cicada nymphs live underground for 17 years before they emerge as adults. Many seeds stay dormant far longer than that before some disturbance makes them germinate. Some trees bear fruit long after the people who have planted them have died, and one Massachusetts pear […]