By Bella DeVaan | – ( ) – After a nightmare ticket sale, monopolies made a powerful enemy. That’s good news for all of us. By Bella DeVaan | November 23, 2022 As the cost of food, travel, and gifts complicate holiday plans across the country, millions of Americans have been awakened to the […]
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One Billionaire emits a Million times more CO2 than an Average Person, as Protesters block Private Planes at Amsterdam
Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) – Oxfam has a new study, Carbon Billionaires: The investment emissions of the world’s richest people. The Executive Summary says that they concluded that quite apart from the 3,300 or so billionaires, the wealthiest one percent in the world emit twice as much carbon dioxide as the bottom 50%. The top […]
Coca-Cola, the world’s largest plastic Polluter, is sponsoring COP27. Here’s why that’s a problem
By Sydney Allen | – In a massive feat of irony, Coca-Cola, the world’s largest plastic polluter, is sponsoring COP27, the world’s largest annual environmental conference, which will take place in Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt, from November 6–18. While there is plenty to criticize about this year’s COP27 summit (such as Egypt’s human rights abuses […]
Tackling Inflation By Rewarding the Rich Is a Fool’s Errand
By Sonali Kolhatkar | – ( ) – British Prime Minister Liz Truss recently resigned after just 45 days in office, disgraced by her own economic prescriptions. There’s a lesson here for the United States, a nation beset by similar economic troubles. The main takeaway? Tackling inflation by rewarding the rich is a fool’s […]
Elon Musk is wrong: Research shows Content Rules on Twitter help preserve Free Speech from Bots and other Manipulation
By Filippo Menczer, Indiana University | – (The Conversation) – Elon Musk’s acquisition of Twitter on Oct. 27, 2022 has triggered renewed debate about what it means for the future of the social media platform, which plays an important role in determining the news and information many people – especially Americans – are exposed to. […]
Still the Other America: The Scandal of Poverty in the Richest Nation on Earth
( ) – Ours is an ever more unequal world, even if that subject is ever less attended to in this country. In his final book, Where Do We Go From Here?, Reverend Martin Luther King wrote tellingly, “The prescription for the cure rests with the accurate diagnosis of the disease. A people who […]
Can a Right-Wing Indian-British Billionaire Save the Conservative Party from Instability and Growing Unpopularity?
London (Special to Informed Comment) – In a further display of chaos within the UK Conservative Party and British government, Britain has appointed its third prime minister within less than two months. It followed Liz Truss’ forced resignation after 44 days of being Britain’s Prime Minister, which may have bemused many observers. While the Conservative […]
More than half of all daily Papers in America are owned by just 10 Syndicates, most of which don’t care about Journalism.
By Jim Hightower | – ( – My newspaper died. Well, technically it still appears. But it has no life, no news, and barely a pulse. It’s a mere semblance of a real paper, one of the hundreds of local journalism zombies staggering along in cities and towns that had long relied on them. […]
The U.S. Never Banned Asbestos. These Workers Are Paying the Price
By Kathleen McGrory and Neil Bedi, photography by Rich-Joseph Facun, graphics by Haisam Hussein | – Co-published with NPR News ( ProPublica ) – Henry Saenz remembers when he first learned what even the tiniest bit of asbestos could do to his body. He was working at a chemical plant where employees used the mineral […]