By John Light | ( | – – Congress and the White House aren’t going to address the climate crisis anytime soon. Will judges? “We are not going to wait until someone in office is representing our voices,” 16-year-old Xiuhtzcatl Martinez told the assembled crowd of reporters, activists, and four US senators. “We need […]
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Climate change is turning dehydration into a deadly epidemic
By Jane Palmer | Mosaic, the science of life | – – A mysterious kidney disease is striking down labourers across the world and climate change is making it worse. Jane Palmer meets the doctors who are trying to understand it and stop it. By 10 am in the sugarcane fields outside the town of […]
Wind Power and the quest for 100% Renewables in age of Trump
By Juan Cole | (Informed Comment) | – – Are some major industrial countries only a decade or two from getting all their electricity from non-fossil fuel sources? Since it is the industrialized world that produces most of the deadly, toxic carbon dioxide that is poisoning our planet through the greenhouse effect, ameliorating the crisis […]
India’s Electric-Car Plans could Leave Trump & US in Dust
By Juan Cole | (Informed Comment) | – – India’s announcement that it wants to have its automobile fleet go completely electric by 2030 is a bigger deal than it seems on the surface, if in fact the government follows through. Power Minister Piyush Goya said Tuesday at the Confederation of Indian Industry, “We are […]
Top 3 Ways the People can build a Trump-Free, Carbon-Free Future
By Jeremy Brecher | ( Waging Nonviolence ) | – – As the thousands of foot-weary protesters look back on the Peoples Climate March in Washington, D.C. — and its scores of sister marches around the country — one question will no doubt be foremost on their minds: How can a march, or indeed any […]
Iran Committed to Nuclear Deal, Opens Bonanza to European Investors
EurActiv | | translated by Sam Morgan | – – The head of the Iranian atomic energy agency (AEOI) said on Saturday (29 April) that his country will honour its commitments to the nuclear agreement regardless of who wins the presidential election on 19 May. EURACTIV Spain reports. Ali Akbar Salehi insisted Iran would […]
As Millions March for Climate, Stab in Back by EPA & NYT
By Juan Cole | (Informed Comment) | – – An estimated 200,000 climate protesters rallied in Washington, D.C., on Saturday, braving record temperatures in the 90s, well above the average temperature for April 29 in the national capital. They were allowed to surround the White House from a distance. The protesters were pushing back against […]
On Day of Climate March, Remember advance of Solar globally
By Juan Cole | (Informed Comment) | – – The US public may have to march today for our government to recognize the dangers of climate change. But in the rest of the world many governments are placing a large wager on clean solar energy. The largest concentrated solar plant in the world is not […]
Trump has it Backwards: It is Dirty Coal that’s Killing Green Jobs
By Basav Sen | ( | – – Wind and solar could create many, many more jobs than coal — especially if the government stops propping it up. When Donald Trump announced he was rolling back the Obama administration’s signature climate rules this spring, he invited coal miners to share the limelight with him. He […]